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The Discovery of chreia: Galen’s Method of Teleological Demonstration and Its Aristotelian Background
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-20240097
Matyáš Havrda

The paper explores Galen’s notion of the chreia of bodily parts and activities, and the method of its discovery against the Aristotelian background. It argues that the chreia of an object π (a bodily part or activity) is a connection between the activity ε for the sake of which π has come into existence, and the attributes of π without which ε would cease to exist or would not be as good. The discovery of chreia, then, is an explanation of this connection. Aristotle does not use the word ‘chreia’ in this sense, but in Parts of Animals he employs a partly overlapping notion which he calls ‘ergon’. Finally, the paper points out that Galen’s chreia is equivalent to the middle term of teleological demonstrations, as outlined in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II 11.



本文探讨了盖伦关于身体部位和活动的 chreia 概念,以及在亚里士多德背景下发现该概念的方法。它认为,对象 π(身体部分或活动)的 chreia 是活动 ε 与 π 属性之间的联系,没有活动 ε π 就存在,没有这些属性 ε 将不复存在或不复存在。一样好。那么,chreia 的发现就是对这种联系的解释。亚里士多德并没有在这个意义上使用“chreia”这个词,但在《动物的部分》中,他使用了一个部分重叠的概念,他称之为“ergon”。最后,论文指出,盖伦的 chreia 相当于目的论论证的中期,正如亚里士多德的《后分析 II》11 中所概述的那样。
