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Acceptance and engagement patterns of mobile-assisted language learning among non-conventional adult L2 learners: A survival analysis
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263124000354
Hyun-Bin Hwang , Matthew D. Coss , Shawn Loewen , Kaitlyn M. Tagarelli

Research on mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has revealed that high rates of attrition among users can undermine the potential benefits of this learning method. To explore this issue, we surveyed 3,670 adult MALL users based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and also conducted an in-depth analysis of their historical app usage data. The results of hierarchical k-means cluster analysis and recurrent event survival analysis revealed three major findings. First, three distinct profiles of learners were characterized by different MALL acceptance and engagement experiences. Second, those with greater MALL acceptance displayed more intense, frequent, and durable app usage (behavioral engagement). Lastly, high levels of MALL acceptance were associated with more frequent pauses in app usage but also (a) longer active usage, (b) shorter breaks before returning to the app, and, ultimately, (c) fewer dropouts. We argue that persistence is a multidimensional process involving cyclical phases of engagement, disengagement, dormancy, and reengagement, with each aspect, like intensity, frequency, and duration, building up cumulatively over time. Implications for promoting persistent MALL engagement are discussed.



对移动辅助语言学习 (MALL) 的研究表明,用户的高流失率可能会削弱这种学习方法的潜在优势。为了探讨这个问题,我们基于技术接受和使用统一理论(UTAUT)对 3,670 名成年 MALL 用户进行了调查,并对他们的历史应用程序使用数据进行了深入分析。分层 k 均值聚类分析和复发事件生存分析的结果揭示了三个主要发现。首先,三种不同的学习者概况具有不同的 MALL 接受度和参与体验。其次,那些对 MALL 接受度较高的人表现出更强烈、更频繁和更持久的应用程序使用(行为参与度)。最后,MALL 的高接受度与应用程序使用中更频繁的暂停相关,但也与 (a) 较长的活跃使用时间、(b) 返回应用程序之前的较短休息时间以及最终 (c) 较少的退出相关。我们认为,持久性是一个多维过程,涉及参与、脱离、休眠和重新参与的周期性阶段,每个方面,如强度、频率和持续时间,都会随着时间的推移而累积。讨论了促进持续的 MALL 参与的影响。