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Arrest Web Entanglement: Female Domestic Violence Survivors’ Experiences with Police Intervention and Coercively Controlling Male Partners
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605241254136
Lisa Young Larance 1

Although U.S.-based mandatory and preferred arrest laws and policies were created to promote domestic violence survivors’ safety, at times they have contributed to the wrongful arrest of women defending themselves against their abusive partners. While these laws and policies are the subject of broad critique, less considered are domestic violence survivors’ descriptions of the events that unfold after police officers respond to a domestic violence incident and before they make an arrest. This is an important area of inquiry as these events may highlight how the circumstances leading to wrongful arrest decisions are more complex than the laws and policies alone. Data from the present study came from the author’s larger in-depth qualitative investigation of 33 cisgender women’s descriptions of their legal and child protection systems involvement. The women were recruited from an antiviolence intervention agency receiving referrals from communities with mandatory and preferred laws and policies. The women had agency contact due to their use of force or alleged use of force. The respondents were diverse across race, age, class, ability, U.S. citizenship status, and sexual identity. The author analyzed the 33 women’s 51 interview transcripts and extensive fieldnotes using rigorous iterative analysis and constructivist grounded theory. The analysis revealed that seven of the 33 women, all of whom identified domestic and sexual violence survivorship histories, described a patterned series of events that unfolded after the police arrived at the domestic violence incident and before the police made an arrest. In this study, the author details three of the seven women’s stories to demonstrate how a series of events, including police prearrest questioning and their coercively controlling male partners’ tactics, facilitated the women’s entanglement in what the author refers to as an “arrest web.” Their incremental disentanglement from the arrest’s impact is also explored. Broad system-focused implications are discussed.



尽管美国制定的强制性和优先逮捕法律和政策是为了促进家庭暴力幸存者的安全,但有时这些法律和政策也会导致女性在遭受虐待的伴侣面前自卫时遭到错误逮捕。虽然这些法律和政策受到了广泛批评,但较少考虑的是家庭暴力幸存者对警察对家庭暴力事件作出反应后和逮捕之前所发生事件的描述。这是一个重要的调查领域,因为这些事件可能凸显出导致错误逮捕决定的情况比单纯的法律和政策更加复杂。本研究的数据来自作者对 33 名顺性别女性对其法律和儿童保护系统参与情况的描述进行的更大规模、更深入的定性调查。这些妇女是从反暴力干预机构招募的,该机构接受来自具有强制性和优先法律和政策的社区的转介。这些妇女因使用武力或涉嫌使用武力而与机构有联系。受访者的种族、年龄、阶级、能力、美国公民身份和性别认同各不相同。作者使用严格的迭代分析和建构主义扎根理论,分析了 33 名女性的 51 次采访笔录和广泛的现场笔记。分析显示,这 33 名女性中有 7 名都有家庭暴力和性暴力的幸存者历史,她们描述了警方到达家庭暴力事件发生后和逮捕之前发生的一系列有规律的事件。 在这项研究中,作者详细介绍了七名女性故事中的三名,以展示一系列事件,包括警察逮捕前的审问和强制控制男性伴侣的策略,如何促使女性陷入作者所说的“逮捕网”。 ”还探讨了他们逐渐摆脱逮捕影响的情况。讨论了以系统为中心的广泛影响。