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Multispectral metal-based electro-optical metadevices with infrared reversible tunability and microwave scattering reduction
Nanophotonics ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2024-0202
Zhen Meng 1 , Dongqing Liu 1 , Yongqiang Pang 2 , Jiafu Wang 3 , Tianwen Liu 1 , Yan Jia 1 , Haifeng Cheng 1

The demand for advanced camouflage technology is increasing in modern military warfare. Multispectral compatibility and adaptive capabilities are increasingly desired features in camouflage materials. However, due to the strong wavelength dependence and limited tunability of electromagnetic wave responses, achieving simultaneous multispectral compatibility and adaptive capability in a single structure or device remains a challenge. By integrating coding metamaterials with infrared (IR) electrochromic devices, we demonstrate a highly integrated multispectral metal-based electro-optical metadevice. The fabricated metadevices enable the reversible tunability of IR emissivity (0.58 at 3–5 µm, 0.50 at 7.5–13 µm) and wideband microwave scattering reduction (>10 dB at 10–20 GHz). The excellent integration performance is attributed to the remarkable electromagnetic control capabilities of the coding metamaterials in a chessboard-like configuration and the IR electrochromic devices based on metal reversible electrodeposition. Furthermore, the monolithic integrated design with shared barium fluoride substrate and electrodes allows the metadevices to have a simple architecture, and the careful design avoids coupling between functions. Our approach is general enough for the design of various electrochromic devices and metamaterials for multispectral camouflage, offering valuable insights for the development of advanced adaptive multispectral camouflage systems.



现代军事战争对先进伪装技术的需求日益增加。多光谱兼容性和适应能力是迷彩材料越来越需要的功能。然而,由于电磁波响应的强烈波长依赖性和有限的可调性,在单个结构或器件中同时实现多光谱兼容性和自适应能力仍然是一个挑战。通过将编码超材料与红外(IR)电致变色器件集成,我们展示了一种高度集成的多光谱金属基电光超器件。所制造的元器件能够实现红外发射率的可逆可调(3-5 µm 处为 0.58,7.5-13 µm 处为 0.50)和宽带微波散射减少(10-20 GHz 处>10 dB)。优异的集成性能归因于棋盘结构的编码超材料和基于金属可逆电沉积的红外电致变色器件卓越的电磁控制能力。此外,共享氟化钡基板和电极的单片集成设计使元器件具有简单的架构,并且精心的设计避免了功能之间的耦合。我们的方法对于设计用于多光谱伪装的各种电致变色器件和超材料来说足够通用,为先进自适应多光谱伪装系统的开发提供了宝贵的见解。