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The Affective Byzantine Book: Reflections on Aesthetics of Gospel Lectionaries
Arts ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.3390/arts13030092
Joseph R. Kopta 1

The aesthetic qualities of Byzantine Gospel Lectionaries in Middle Byzantine times, afforded by their material construction, fostered an intermedial relationship with the architectural interiors of the churches and chapels where they were used in sacred liturgies. In particular, Byzantine book makers employed discreet reflective materials—particularly albumen and gold—that engendered an aesthetic of liquidity. If we center materiality and aesthetic considerations of the Byzantine Gospel Lectionary, building upon art history’s so-called “material turn”, we can come closer to understanding something of the poetry of the Byzantine manuscript as part of an affective experience—one that was shiny, shimmering, and fluid.



拜占庭中期拜占庭福音词典的美学品质,由其材料结构所赋予,与用于神圣礼拜仪式的教堂和礼拜堂的建筑内部建立了中间关系。特别是,拜占庭书籍制造商采用了谨慎的反光材料,尤其是蛋白和黄金,从而产生了流动性的美感。如果我们以艺术史所谓的“物质转向”为基础,以《拜占庭福音词典》的物质性和美学考虑为中心,我们就可以更接近地理解拜占庭手稿中的一些诗歌,作为情感体验的一部分——一种闪亮的体验。 ,闪闪发光,流动。