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Annual Research Review: Mapping the multifaceted approaches and impacts of adverse childhood experiences – an umbrella review of meta‐analyses
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1111/jcpp.14022
Bitna Kim 1 , Meghan Royle 1

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) significantly impact lifelong health and well‐being. Despite extensive research, a comprehensive understanding of ACEs' multifaceted impacts continues to be challenging to achieve. This study synthesizes meta‐analytic evidence to provide a comprehensive view of ACEs' effects, addressing various approaches to conceptualizing ACEs and their diverse outcomes. Employing an umbrella synthesis methodology, this review integrated findings from 99 meta‐analyses involving 592 effect sizes. We examined ACEs through specificity, lumping, dimensional, and child maltreatment‐centric approaches, assessing their impact across six domains: biological system dysregulation, neuropsychological impairments, physical health complications, mental health conditions, social and behavioral challenges, and criminal justice involvement. The findings reveal a small to moderate overall effect size of ACEs across outcome domains. Specific ACE approaches exhibited varying impact levels, with notable differences in effects on mental health, social/behavioral issues, and criminal justice involvement. When ACEs were aggregated without distinguishing between different types, but with consideration of their cumulative effects, adverse outcomes were significantly exacerbated. The child maltreatment‐centric approach consistently demonstrated substantial effects across all evaluated domains. This review underscores the heterogeneity in ACEs' impacts, influenced by the type of ACE and specific outcomes considered. It highlights the necessity for comprehensive approaches to understanding, preventing, and mitigating the effects of ACEs. These insights are vital for developing targeted interventions and informing policy‐making, emphasizing the complexity and varied nature of ACEs' influence on individual development and societal well‐being.



不良童年经历(ACE)显着影响终生健康和福祉。尽管进行了广泛的研究,但要全面了解 ACE 的多方面影响仍然具有挑战性。这项研究综合了荟萃分析证据,提供了 ACE 影响的全面视图,探讨了概念化 ACE 及其不同结果的各种方法。本综述采用伞式综合方法,整合了涉及 592 个效应量的 99 项荟萃分析的结果。我们通过特异性、集中、维度和以儿童虐待为中心的方法检查了 ACE,评估了它们在六个领域的影响:生物系统失调、神经心理损伤、身体健康并发症、心理健康状况、社会和行为挑战以及刑事司法参与。研究结果显示,ACE 在不同结果领域的总体效应大小为小到中等。具体的 ACE 方法表现出不同的影响水平,对心理健康、社会/行为问题和刑事司法参与的影响存在显着差异。当ACEs在不区分不同类型的情况下进行聚合,但考虑到它们的累积效应时,不良后果会显着加剧。以虐待儿童为中心的方法在所有评估领域始终显示出显着效果。本综述强调了 ACE 影响的异质性,该影响受到 ACE 类型和所考虑的具体结果的影响。它强调了采取综合方法来理解、预防和减轻 ACE 影响的必要性。 这些见解对于制定有针对性的干预措施和为政策制定提供信息至关重要,强调 ACE 对个人发展和社会福祉影响的复杂性和多样性。