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The fleeting, beating heart of the Snake
Nature Astronomy ( IF 12.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-22 , DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02283-y
Paul Woods

Two teams of astronomers have recently discovered a potential clue to the origin of the Snake, which is more formally known as non-thermal filament G359.1−0.2, and is 70 pc in length and less than a parsec wide. Farhad Yusef-Zadeh and colleagues (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 530, 254–263; 2024) located a fast-moving compact radio source close to the major kink in the filament, and Marcus Lower, Shi Dai & Simon Johnston (M. E. Lower et al., preprint at https://www.arxiv.org/abs/2404.09098; 2024) have tentatively identified that source as a millisecond pulsar. If confirmed, this would be the first millisecond pulsar to be found in the Galactic Centre.

Yusef-Zadeh et al. found that the compact source, most likely a neutron star, had run into the Snake in recent history, probably causing both the major and minor kinks and perhaps energizing the filament itself. Lower et al. used the 64 m Parkes telescope (Murriyang) to detect periodic radio emission from the source, PSR J1744−2946, determining its relatively slow spin period of 8.4 ms. Furthermore, they noticed a drift in the pulsar period that indicates the presence of a > 0.05 M companion in a 4.8 hour circular orbit.



两个天文学家小组最近发现了一条关于蛇起源的潜在线索,它更正式的名称是非热丝 G359.1−0.2,长度为 70 pc,宽度不到 1 秒差距。 Farhad Yusef-Zadeh 及其同事(Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 530, 254–263; 2024)在灯丝主要扭结附近找到了一个快速移动的紧凑型射电源,Marcus Lower、Shi Dai 和 Simon Johnston(M. E. Lower 等人,预印本 https://www.arxiv.org/abs/2404.09098;2024)已初步确定该源为毫秒脉冲星。如果得到证实,这将是在银河系中心发现的第一颗毫秒脉冲星。

尤瑟夫-扎德等人。发现致密源(很可能是中子星)在最近的历史中遇到了蛇,可能导致主要和次要扭结,并可能为灯丝本身提供能量。较低等人。使用 64 m 帕克斯望远镜 (Murriyang) 探测来自 PSR J1744−2946 源的周期性射电发射,确定其相对较慢的自转周期为 8.4 ms。此外,他们注意到脉冲星周期的漂移表明在 4.8 小时的圆形轨道上存在 > 0.05 M 伴星。
