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Bessel periods and anticyclotomic 𝑝-adic spinor 𝐿-functions
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/9143
Ming-Lun Hsieh , Shunsuke Yamana

We construct the anticyclotomic p p -adic L L -function that interpolates a square root of central values of twisted spinor L L -functions of a quadratic base change of a Siegel cusp form of genus 2 2 with respect to a paramodular group of square-free level.


贝塞尔周期和反环学 p-adic 旋量 L 函数

我们构建了反环学 p p -adic L L -函数,该函数插值扭曲旋量 L L -函数的 Siegel 尖头形式的二次基数相对于无平方级的准模群的变化。
