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Research progress on the physiological, biochemical and molecular regulatory mechanisms of fruit tree responses to high-temperature stress
Horticultural Plant Journal ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hpj.2023.09.008
Que Wang , Yaqiong Wu , Wenlong Wu , Lianfei Lyu , Weilin Li

Fruit trees face various adverse environmental factors, such as extreme hydrothermal changes, soil salinization and low precipitation, leading to different types of stress. High temperature is one of the main factors affecting the growth of fruit trees, and an appropriate ambient temperature is a necessary condition for the normal growth and development of fruit trees. Since the 20th century, due to the intensification of the greenhouse effect and global warming, there has been a significant increase in the occurrence and duration of extreme hot weather in summer has been occurring frequently and for longer durations. Thus, the growth and production of fruit trees are affected by severe high-temperature stress. Therefore, this paper primarily summarized the impacts of high-temperature stress on fruit growth and development, flowering, fruiting, fruit setting and quality. It also discussed the physiological and biochemical responses of fruit trees to high-temperature stress, research progress on the molecular mechanisms and signal transduction pathways underlying fruit tree resistance to heat or high temperature, and research on the investigation of relevant metabolites of fruit trees under stress conditions. The future research directions were discussed, and prospects and potential difficulties were proposed to serve a reference for further investigation on the high-temperature tolerance of fruit trees.



果树面临着各种不利的环境因素,如极端的水热变化、土壤盐碱化和降水量少,导致不同类型的胁迫。高温是影响果树生长的主要因素之一,适宜的环境温度是果树正常生长发育的必要条件。 20世纪以来,由于温室效应加剧和全球气候变暖,夏季极端炎热天气的发生次数和持续时间明显增多,且持续时间较长。因此,果树的生长和生产受到严重的高温胁迫的影响。因此,本文主要综述了高温胁迫对果实生长发育、开花、坐果、坐果及品质的影响。讨论了果树对高温胁迫的生理生化反应、果树耐热高温的分子机制和信号转导通路的研究进展以及果树胁迫下相关代谢产物的研究进展。状况。讨论了未来的研究方向,并提出了前景和潜在的困难,为果树耐高温性的进一步研究提供参考。