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Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2022.a927742
Elizabeth R. Wright

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Prologue
  • Elizabeth R. Wright

THIS DOUBLE ISSUE OF VOLUME 74 of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, featuring Nicholas R. Jones as guest editor, emerged from the colloquium devoted to Recovering Black Performance in Early Modern Iberia, held at Yale University on 29–30 April 2022. We are grateful to Jesús Velasco, chair of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, for hosting us at a time where restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were severely limiting opportunities for scholarly community. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) provided the financing needed for an international gathering of this scale, as well as for the complex editing and production needed to transform the conference papers into research articles.

Nicholas Jones outlines the guiding principles and intellectual lineage for this issue in his prefatory essay, "On Recovery and Reparation." A few words are in order here about how this project on Recovering Black Performance has also expanded our horizons as a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Aware of the rigors of the dynamic academic fields that converge around this topic, we instituted a two-staged peer-review process. In phase 1, a cadre of early career scholars provided a first line of feedback and recommendations based on the papers and ensuing debates at the colloquium. We thank Esteban Crespo Jaramillo, Jorge García Granados, Julia C. Hernández, Yelsy Hernández Zamora, Brais Lamela Gómez, and Cornesha Tweede. In turn, we elicited outside evaluations for each contribution following standard practices of a peer-reviewed journal. Our aim here was to make the scholarship published in this issue responsive to the questions and criteria of early-career academics, in addition to those of mid-career and senior scholars.

This particularly ambitious and capacious volume of the Bulletin of the Comediantes—with sixteen contributions and an introduction focused on Recovering Black Performance, plus a substantive research note by Jane W. Albrecht on the application of stylometric analysis of authorial attributions to the Spanish comedia, and twenty-three book reviews—drew on the astounding talents, energy, and devotion of the team of collaborators listed in our masthead and on our website. A heartfelt thanks.

As we prepared this issue, we lost three cherished colleagues who made enormous contributions to the fields that converge around this journal. We honor and celebrate this journal's long-serving editor, James A. Parr, with a pair of remembrances—from emeritus editor Edward Friedman and stalwart Editorial Board member Sharon Voros. We also lost Donald R. Larson, a [End Page 5] guiding light of the Association for Hispanic Classical Theater, revered scholar, and resourceful translator. Most recently, Henry W. Sullivan passed away; readers of the journal will remember him as a mainstay of our editorial board and far-reaching scholar of the comedia. Jim, Don, and Henry will ever be among us. [End Page 6]

Copyright © 2022-23 Bulletin of the Comediantes ...




  •  序幕
  •  伊丽莎白·赖特

这本由尼古拉斯·R·琼斯 (Nicholas R. Jones) 担任客座编辑的《喜剧公报》第 74 卷双刊出自于 2022 年 4 月 29 日至 30 日在耶鲁大学举行的致力于恢复早期现代伊比利亚黑人表演的研讨会。我们深表感谢感谢西班牙语和葡萄牙语系系主任 Jesús Velasco 在新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情相关限制严重限制学术界机会之际接待我们。美国国家人文基金会 (NEH) 提供了如此规模的国际聚会所需的资金,以及将会议论文转化为研究文章所需的复杂编辑和制作所需的资金。

尼古拉斯·琼斯在他的序言文章《恢复与赔偿》中概述了这个问题的指导原则和知识渊源。这里有必要简单介绍一下这个“恢复黑人表现”项目如何扩大了我们作为同行评审学术期刊的视野。意识到围绕该主题的动态学术领域的严格性,我们制定了一个两阶段的同行评审流程。在第一阶段,一群早期职业学者根据论文和随后在研讨会上的辩论提供了第一线反馈和建议。我们感谢 Esteban Crespo Jaramillo、Jorge García Granados、Julia C. Hernández、Yelsy Hernández Zamora、Brais Lamela Gómez 和 Cornesha Tweede。反过来,我们按照同行评审期刊的标准做法对每项贡献进行外部评估。我们的目标是使本期发表的奖学金不仅能够满足职业生涯中期和高级学者的问题和标准,还能够满足职业生涯早期学者的问题和标准。

这本特别雄心勃勃、内容丰富的《喜剧公报》——包含 16 篇文章和一篇侧重于恢复黑人表演的介绍,以及简·W·阿尔布雷希特 (Jane W. Albrecht) 撰写的关于对西班牙喜剧作者归因进行文体分析的应用的实质性研究笔记,以及二十三篇书评——汲取了我们刊头和网站上列出的合作者团队的惊人才华、精力和奉献精神。衷心的感谢。

当我们准备这一期时,我们失去了三位珍贵的同事,他们为这本期刊的各个领域做出了巨大的贡献。我们向该杂志的长期编辑 James A. Parr 表示敬意和庆祝,并致以荣誉编辑 Edward Friedman 和坚定的编辑委员会成员 Sharon Voros 的纪念。我们还失去了唐纳德·R·拉森 (Donald R. Larson),他是西班牙古典戏剧协会的指路明灯、受人尊敬的学者和足智多谋的翻译家。最近,亨利·W·沙利文 (Henry W. Sullivan) 去世了;该杂志的读者会记得他是我们编辑委员会的中流砥柱和影响深远的喜剧学者。吉姆、唐和亨利将永远在我们中间。 [第 6 页结束]

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