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Contrarrelatos performativos para hablar en clase sobre la historia racial de España
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2022.a927745
Manuel Olmedo Gobante


This note on teaching explores counter-storytelling, a practice that gives voice to marginalized communities and confronts the narratives of benevolent meritocracy and color-blind power dynamics that have long shaped the hierarchies, hiring practices, and opportunities for advancement within institutions. I provide an experiential reflection on my use of counter-storytelling to teach early modern Spanish racial history and culture. First, I propose the use of counter-storytelling as a theoretical framework in early modern scholarly research. Second, I advocate for engaged editorial work that strives to rescue forgotten counter-stories from the past, especially in the field of early modern theater and performing arts. Third, I offer concrete teaching strategies that implement counter-storytelling in the classroom, where students learn to challenge common myths and majoritarian narratives about Black Spain, both past and present.




