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De la invisibilidad a la especulación crítica: Un esgrimista y poeta negro en el inédito Entremés segundo del negro
Bulletin of the Comediantes Pub Date : 2024-05-21 , DOI: 10.1353/boc.2022.a927753
Diana Berruezo-Sánchez


This study examines and recontextualizes the anonymous Entremés segundo del negro, whose Black protagonist is a courageous swordsman and a poet skilled in sonnet writing. Comic intrigue focuses on the marriage his enslavers arrange to Francisca, a Black woman. To date, scholars have relegated this entremés to secondary importance by contemplating it as a sequel to another entremés, Luis Quiñones de Benavente's El negrito hablador. Following on methodological proposals for "critical fabulation" (Saidiya Hartman) and "responsible speculation" (Rebecca Olson), this study presents the entremés as a point of departure for new methods of analysis, with the goal of recovering underexplored images of Blacks as active cultural agents in early modern Spain. To bring new attention to this comic drama that survives in just one seventeenth-century manuscript, an appendix offers an annotated edition in modernized orthography.


从隐形到批判性思辨:未出版的《Entremés Segundo del Negro》中的黑人击剑手和诗人


这项研究对匿名的《黑人第二人》进行了考察和重新语境分析,其黑人主角是一位勇敢的剑客和一位擅长十四行诗写作的诗人。喜剧阴谋的重点是他的奴隶安排与黑人妇女弗朗西斯卡的婚姻。迄今为止,学者们已将这首前奏视为次要的,将其视为另一首前奏——路易斯·奎尼奥内斯·德·贝纳文特的《黑人哈布拉多》的续集。继“批判性虚构”(赛迪亚·哈特曼)和“负责任的猜测”(丽贝卡·奥尔森)的方法论建议之后,本研究将中间点作为新分析方法的出发点,其目标是恢复黑人作为活跃人物的未经充分探索的图像。现代早期西班牙的文化代理人。为了让人们重新关注这部仅存于一份 17 世纪手稿中的喜剧,附录提供了现代正字法的注释版本。
