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EXPRESS: Social Profit Orientation: Lessons from Organizations Committed to Building a Better World
Journal of Marketing ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1177/00222429241258495
Leonard L. Berry , Tracey S. Danaher , Timothy Keiningham , Lerzan Aksoy , Tor W. Andreassen

Services marketing originated as a discipline to guide managers in marketing intangible products; in today’s world, it must also guide managers in serving society. This research develops the concept of a social profit orientation, whereby organizations invest resources for the express purpose of enhancing the common good, especially the well-being of people and the health of the planet. Implementing social initiatives that serve this broader mission is no small challenge, but exemplary organizations are nevertheless charting a practical course. We interviewed leaders from 21 diverse organizations in multiple countries, spanning both for-profit and nonprofit sectors, yielding valuable insights into how they create social profit for individuals, communities, and society at large through their initiatives. Our research, grounded in published theory and directed toward practical implementation, defines the parameters of a social profit orientation and introduces an innovative framework that distills its antecedents, moderators, and outcomes. The experiences shared by our sample of forward-looking, future-oriented organizations can inform and inspire other companies, organizations, and institutions as they operate in environments where far more is expected of them than ever before.



服务营销最初是作为一门指导管理者营销无形产品的学科;在当今世界,它还必须指导管理者服务社会。这项研究提出了社会利润导向的概念,即组织投资资源的明确目的是增强共同利益,特别是人民的福祉和地球的健康。实施服务于这一更广泛使命的社会举措是一个不小的挑战,但模范组织仍在制定切实可行的路线。我们采访了来自多个国家/地区 21 个不同组织(涵盖营利性和非营利性部门)的领导者,了解他们如何通过自己的举措为个人、社区和整个社会创造社会利润,获得了宝贵的见解。我们的研究以已发表的理论为基础,面向实际实施,定义了社会利润导向的参数,并引入了一个创新框架,提炼出其前因、调节因素和结果。我们的前瞻性、面向未来的组织样本所分享的经验可以为其他公司、组织和机构提供信息和启发,因为它们在人们对它们的期望远高于以往的环境中运作。