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Deaf/hard of hearing students’ experiences with higher education’s real-time captioning services
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1093/jdsade/enae019
Aaron J Jolly 1 , Cassidy E Macfarlane 1 , Brittan A Barker 1

Real-time captions appear to be an effective tool in assisting deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) college students’ access information and communication in certain classroom settings. However, there is limited knowledge of DHH students’ direct experiences with real-time captioning services. In this study, we gathered narratives from 15 DHH college students across the United States about their experiences with real-time captioning services in college. We analyzed the stories using thematic narrative analysis and uncovered 4 types that students told about their experiences. The story types were (a) stories of overcoming obstacles, (b) stories of resignation, (c) pragmatic stories, and (d) stories of personal connection. These story types reveal that although many students eventually experience effective communication access through real-time captioning services, they can initially struggle to overcome barriers to using the services successfully. Making time and space to listen to DHH students’ narratives can teach educators and professionals how to support these students and resolve barriers before they arise.



实时字幕似乎是帮助聋哑和听力障碍 (DHH) 大学生在某些课堂环境中获取信息和交流的有效工具。然而,对于 DHH 学生对实时字幕服务的直接体验了解有限。在这项研究中,我们收集了美国 15 名 DHH 大学生的故事,讲述他们在大学里使用实时字幕服务的经历。我们使用主题叙事分析来分析故事,发现学生讲述的经历有 4 种类型。故事类型是(a)克服障碍的故事,(b)辞职的故事,(c)务实的故事,以及(d)个人联系的故事。这些故事类型表明,尽管许多学生最终通过实时字幕服务体验到了有效的沟通方式,但他们最初可能很难克服成功使用这些服务的障碍。腾出时间和空间聆听 DHH 学生的叙述可以教会教育工作者和专业人士如何支持这些学生并在障碍出现之前解决它们。