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Extended high-ionization [Mg IV] emission tracing widespread shocks in starbursts seen by JWST/NIRSpec
Astronomy & Astrophysics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202449982
Miguel Pereira-Santaella , Ismael Garcia-Bernete , Eduardo Gonzalez-Alfonso , Almudena Alonso-Herrero , Luis Colina , Santiago Garcia-Burillo , Dimitra Rigopoulou , Santiago Arribas , Michele Perna

We report the detection of extended ($>$0.5--1\,kpc) high-ionization (80\,eV) emission in four local luminous infrared galaxies observed with JWST NIRSpec. Excluding the nucleus and outflow of the Type 1 active galactic nucleus (AGN) in the sample, we find that the luminosity is well correlated with that of H recombination lines, which mainly trace star-forming clumps in these objects, and that the (75\,eV), usually seen in AGN, is undetected. On 100--400\,pc scales, the line profiles are broader ($ $) and shifted ($ v$ up to pm $) compared to those of the H recombination lines and lower ionization transitions (e.g., $ $). The kinematics follow the large-scale rotating velocity field of these galaxies, and the broad profiles are compatible with the broad wings detected in the H recombination lines. Based on these observational results, extended highly ionized gas more turbulent than the ambient interstellar medium, possibly a result of ionizing shocks associated with star formation, is the most likely origin of the emission. We also computed new grids of photoionization and shock models to investigate where the line originates. Shocks with velocities of $ reproduce the observed line ratios and the luminosity agrees with that expected from the mechanical energy released by supernove (SNe) in these regions. Therefore, these models support shocks induced by SNe as the origin of the line. Future studies on the stellar feedback from SNe will benefit from the line that is little affected by obscuration and, in the absence of an AGN, can only be produced by shocks due to its high ionization-potential.


JWST/NIRSpec 观测到的扩展高电离 [Mg IV] 发射追踪星暴中广泛的冲击

我们报告了使用 JWST NIRSpec 观测到的四个局部发光红外星系中检测到的扩展 ($>$0.5--1\,kpc) 高电离 (80\,eV) 发射。排除样本中1型活动星系核(AGN)的核和流出物,我们发现光度与H重组线的光度有很好的相关性,H重组线主要追踪这些天体中的恒星形成团块,并且(75 \,eV),通常出现在 AGN 中,但未被检测到。在 100--400\,pc 尺度上,与 H 重组谱线和较低电离跃迁(例如 $$)相比,谱线轮廓更宽($$)和偏移($v$ 到 pm$)。运动学遵循这些星系的大尺度旋转速度场,并且宽阔的轮廓与H重组线中检测到的宽阔的翼相一致。根据这些观测结果,扩展的高度电离气体比周围的星际介质更加湍流,这可能是与恒星形成相关的电离激波的结果,是最有可能的发射源。我们还计算了新的光电离网格和冲击模型来研究线的起源。速度为 $ 的冲击再现了观察到的线比,并且光度与这些区域中超新星 (SNe) 释放的机械能的预期一致。因此,这些模型支持超新星引起的激波作为线的起源。未来对超新星恒星反馈的研究将受益于这条线,该线几乎不受遮蔽影响,并且在没有活动星系核的情况下,由于其高电离势只能通过冲击产生。