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Coherence and Comprehensibility in Second Language Speakers’ Academic Speaking Performance
Studies in Second Language Acquisition ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0272263124000305
Aki Tsunemoto , Pavel Trofimovich

This study examined the role of discourse organization in second language (L2) comprehensibility ratings. Twelve English for Academic Purposes teachers listened to 60 L2 speech samples elicited through a TOEFL–type integrated speaking task, evaluating each sample for comprehensibility and coherence (perceived interconnectedness of ideas). The samples were analyzed for the occurrence of discourse features at micro and macro levels. Results revealed a strong association between coherence and comprehensibility (r = .70). Whereas L2 speakers’ use of additive connectives (e.g., and) uniquely predicted comprehensibility, ordering of ideas and source–speech similarity in speakers’ performances predicted coherence. Lexical overlaps predicted both constructs. Findings underscore the importance of coherence to comprehensible academic L2 speech demonstrating that the two constructs include partially overlapping yet distinct characteristics.



本研究探讨了话语组织在第二语言(L2)可理解性评级中的作用。 12 名学术英语教师聆听了通过托福类综合口语任务引出的 60 个二语语音样本,评估每个样本的可理解性和连贯性(感知到的想法的相互关联性)。分析样本在微观和宏观层面上出现的话语特征。结果显示连贯性和可理解性之间存在很强的关联性 (r = .70)。 L2 说话者使用附加连接词(例如,and)独特地预测了可理解性,而说话者表演中的想法排序和源语音相似性则预测了连贯性。词汇重叠预测了这两种结构。研究结果强调了连贯性对于可理解的学术 L2 语音的重要性,表明这两种结构包含部分重叠但又截然不同的特征。