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Cellular and Biophysical Applications of Genetic Code Expansion
Chemical Reviews ( IF 51.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.4c00112
Han Bin Yi 1 , Seungeun Lee 1 , Kyungdeok Seo 1 , Hyeongjo Kim 1 , Minah Kim 1 , Hyun Soo Lee 1

Despite their diverse functions, proteins are inherently constructed from a limited set of building blocks. These compositional constraints pose significant challenges to protein research and its practical applications. Strategically manipulating the cellular protein synthesis system to incorporate novel building blocks has emerged as a critical approach for overcoming these constraints in protein research and application. In the past two decades, the field of genetic code expansion (GCE) has achieved significant advancements, enabling the integration of numerous novel functionalities into proteins across a variety of organisms. This technological evolution has paved the way for the extensive application of genetic code expansion across multiple domains, including protein imaging, the introduction of probes for protein research, analysis of protein–protein interactions, spatiotemporal control of protein function, exploration of proteome changes induced by external stimuli, and the synthesis of proteins endowed with novel functions. In this comprehensive Review, we aim to provide an overview of cellular and biophysical applications that have employed GCE technology over the past two decades.



尽管蛋白质具有多种功能,但其本质上是由一组有限的构建模块构成的。这些成分限制对蛋白质研究及其实际应用提出了重大挑战。战略性地操纵细胞蛋白质合成系统以整合新的构建模块已成为克服蛋白质研究和应用中这些限制的关键方法。在过去的二十年中,遗传密码扩展(GCE)领域取得了重大进展,使得众多新功能能够整合到多种生物体的蛋白质中。这种技术的发展为遗传密码扩展在多个领域的广泛应用铺平了道路,包括蛋白质成像、蛋白质研究探针的引入、蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用的分析、蛋白质功能的时空控制、探索由蛋白质引起的蛋白质组变化。外部刺激,以及赋予新功能的蛋白质的合成。在这篇全面的综述中,我们旨在概述过去二十年来采用 GCE 技术的细胞和生物物理应用。