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Does land consolidation promote livestock production and combat rural depopulation in northern Spain?
Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-18 , DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12587
Luis Orea 1 , José A. Pérez‐Méndez 2 , Inmaculada Álvarez 3

This paper evaluates the effect on livestock production and rural population of the land consolidation (LC) processes that occurred over recent decades in Asturias, an autonomous region located in north‐west Spain. We use a novel Difference‐in‐Difference (DiD) model which allows for multiple LCs at different points in time and for spatial spill‐overs. As many parishes have been involved in two or more LC processes, we test whether we can simplify our analysis using a specification for these parishes that accumulates the effect of consecutive, and often distant, LC processes. We find that this simplification can be implemented when we analyse the effect of the LC processes on parishes' livestock production, but not when we examine their effects on parish population. We find that parish livestock production increases on average by about 3% once we take into account spatial effects, and that LC processes have especially attenuated the decline in the number of farms in (coastal) parishes where dairy farms predominate. We do not find strong evidence regarding the effectiveness of LC processes in redressing rural depopulation, except in some of the parishes located in western Asturias.



本文评估了西班牙西北部自治区阿斯图里亚斯近几十年来发生的土地整理(LC)过程对畜牧业生产和农村人口的影响。我们使用一种新颖的双重差分 (DiD) 模型,该模型允许在不同时间点和空间溢出进行多个 LC。由于许多教区参与了两个或多个 LC 过程,因此我们测试是否可以使用这些教区的规范来简化我们的分析,该规范累积了连续且通常遥远的 LC 过程的影响。我们发现,当我们分析 LC 过程对教区牲畜生产的影响时,可以实施这种简化,但当我们检查它们对教区人口的影响时,则不能实施。我们发现,一旦考虑到空间效应,教区牲畜产量平均增加约 3%,并且 LC 过程尤其减缓了奶牛场占主导地位的(沿海)教区农场数量的下降。除了位于阿斯图里亚斯西部的一些教区外,我们没有找到强有力的证据表明LC进程在纠正农村人口减少方面的有效性。