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Dynamic large strain formulation for nematic liquid crystal elastomers
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00161-024-01307-2
Francesca Concas , Michael Groß

Liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs) are a class of materials which exhibit an anisotropic behavior in their nematic state due to the main orientation of their rod-like molecules called mesogens. The reorientation of mesogens leads to the well-known actuation properties of LCEs, i.e. exceptionally large deformations as a consequence of particular external stimuli, such as temperature increase. Another key feature of nematic LCEs is the capability to undergo deformation by constant stresses while being stretched in a direction perpendicular to the orientation of mesogens. During this plateau stage, the mesogens rotate towards the stretching direction. Such characteristic is defined as semisoft elastic response of nematic LCEs. We aim at modeling the semisoft behavior in a dynamic finite element method based on a variational-based mixed finite element formulation. The reorientation process of the rigid mesogens relative to the continuum rotation is introduced by micropolar drilling degrees of freedom. Responsible for the above-mentioned characteristics is an appropriate free energy function. Starting from an isothermal free energy function based on the small strain theory, we aim to widen it into the framework of large strains by identifying tensor invariants. In this work, we analyze the isothermal influence of the tensor invariants on the mechanical response of the finite element formulation and show that its space-time discretization preserves mechanical balance laws in the discrete setting.



