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Swelling kinetics of mixtures of soybean phosphatidylcholine and glycerol dioleate
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2024.113955
Jenni Engstedt 1 , René In 't Zandt 2 , Justas Barauskas 3 , Vitaly Kocherbitov 4

Lipid-based drug delivery systems offer the potential to enhance bioavailability, reduce dosing frequency, and improve patient adherence. In aqueous environment, initially dry lipid depots take up water and form liquid crystalline phases. Variation of lipid composition, depot size and hydration-induced phase transitions will plausibly affect the diffusion in and out of the depot. Lipid depots of soybean phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and glycerol dioleate (GDO) mixtures were hydrated for varying time durations in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) buffer and then analyzed with Karl Fischer titration, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and gravimetrically. Mathematical modeling of the swelling process using diffusion equations, was used to estimate the parameters of diffusion. Both composition of lipid mixture and depot size affect swelling kinetics… The diffusion parameters obtained in Karl Fischer titration and MRI (with temporal and spatial resolution respectively) are in good agreement. Remarkably, the MRI results show a gradient of water content within the depot even after the end of diffusion process. Apparently contradicting the first Fick’s law in its classical form, these results find an explanation using the generalized Fick’s law that considers the gradient of chemical potential rather than concentration as the driving force of diffusion.



基于脂质的药物递送系统具有提高生物利用度、减少给药频率和提高患者依从性的潜力。在水环境中,最初干燥的脂质库吸收水并形成液晶相。脂质成分、储库大小和水合诱导的相变的变化可能会影响进出储库的扩散。将大豆磷脂酰胆碱 (SPC) 和甘油二油酸酯 (GDO) 混合物的脂质库在磷酸盐缓冲盐水 (PBS) 缓冲液中水合不同的时间,然后使用卡尔费休滴定、磁共振成像 (MRI) 和重量分析进行分析。使用扩散方程对膨胀过程进行数学建模,用于估计扩散参数。脂质混合物的组成和储库大小都会影响溶胀动力学……卡尔费休滴定和 MRI 中获得的扩散参数(分别具有时间和空间分辨率)非常一致。值得注意的是,即使在扩散过程结束后,MRI 结果也显示出库内的含水量梯度。这些结果显然与经典形式的第一菲克定律相矛盾,但使用广义菲克定律找到了解释,该定律将化学势梯度而不是浓度视为扩散的驱动力。