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Electrifying heavy-duty truck through battery swapping
Joule ( IF 38.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2024.04.008
Yalun Li , Feiqin Zhu , Liguo Li , Minggao Ouyang

Yalun Li leads a research team in battery fast charging and swapping and vehicle-grid integration systems at Tsinghua University. He earned his PhD in power engineering from Tsinghua University, with his doctoral dissertation awarded by the China Society of Automotive Engineers. He is selected for China National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents and serves as a youth editorial member for eTransportation.

Feiqin Zhu is a research associate at Brookhaven National Laboratory, researching transportation and power systems and specializing in energy-infrastructure planning for electric vehicles.

Liguo Li is the secretary-general of the China Battery Swapping Heavy-Duty Truck Alliance and leads a key R&D program on battery swapping trucks.

Minggao Ouyang is a professor at Tsinghua University and a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He focuses on electrochemical energy storage, hydrogen energy, and smart energy systems. He has served as the chief scientist of China’s New Energy Vehicle Project and the China-US Clean Vehicle Research Alliance. He was honored with the IEEE Transportation Technologies Award.
