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The Effect of Occupational Stigma on Job Withdrawal Behavior: A Chain Mediation Model Based on an Emotional Labor Perspective
Review of Public Personnel Administration ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0734371x241252940
Qing Miao 1, 2 , Yuchen Guo 3

Occupational stigma is pervasive, encompassing street-level bureaucrats as well; however, limited knowledge exists regarding the extent and impact on this particular group. This study employs the conservation of resources theory with a chain mediation model to expose how occupational stigma affects street-level bureaucrats’ job withdrawal behavior from an emotional perspective. Based on four-wave data from 1,333 public employees across 316 grassroots communities, we identified a chain mediating the roles of emotional labor and emotional exhaustion in the negative relationship between occupational stigma and job withdrawal behavior. Research has shown that occupational stigma leads to more surface acting and less deep acting. Increased surface acting worsens employees’ emotional exhaustion and increases job withdrawal behavior, whereas deep acting alleviates employees’ emotional exhaustion and reduces job withdrawal behavior. This study extensively discusses the importance of public organizations valuing the emotional labor of street-level bureaucrats to help them resist the threat of occupational stigma.



职业耻辱感普遍存在,街头官僚也不例外。然而,对于这一特定群体的程度和影响,人们知之甚少。本研究运用资源守恒理论和链式中介模型,从情感角度揭示职业耻辱如何影响基层官员的工作退出行为。基于来自 316 个基层社区 1,333 名公职人员的四波数据,我们确定了情绪劳动和情绪耗竭在职业耻辱与工作退出行为之间负向关系中的中介作用链。研究表明,职业耻辱会导致更多的表面行为和更少的深层行为。表面表演的增加会加剧员工的情绪疲惫并增加工作退出行为,而深层表演则减轻员工的情绪疲惫并减少工作退出行为。这项研究广泛讨论了公共组织重视街头官僚情感劳动的重要性,以帮助他们抵御职业耻辱的威胁。