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Reflections on the first decade of the HPGRG undergraduate dissertation prize: The geography and politics of reward
Journal of Historical Geography ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhg.2024.04.002
Pauline Couper

The History and Philosophy of Geography Research Group launched its undergraduate dissertation prize in 2008. This paper reflects on the dissertations submitted throughout its first decade, highlighting particular themes in Deleuzian-inspired vitalism and immanence, attention to the politics of knowledge production, and the emergence of critical physical geography. The paper also discusses the practice of awarding a prize, noting evidence that this is both shaped by, and reproduces, structural inequalities in academic work. The prize exhibits a particular geography and politics within the academic prestige economy.


HPGRG 本科论文奖第一个十年的反思:奖励的地理和政治

地理学历史与哲学研究小组于 2008 年设立了本科生论文奖。本文回顾了其第一个十年提交的论文,强调了德勒兹启发的生机论和内在性、对知识生产政治的关注以及新兴事物的特定主题。批判自然地理学。该论文还讨论了颁奖实践,并指出有证据表明,这既是由学术工作中的结构性不平等所塑造的,也是其再现的。该奖项展示了学术声望经济中的特定地理和政治。