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Navigating post-pandemic urban mobility: Unveiling intentions for shared micro-mobility usage across three U.S. cities
Travel Behaviour and Society ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tbs.2024.100813
Ricardo Chahine , Lisa L. Losada-Rojas , Konstantina Gkritza

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-reaching impact on travel patterns, leading to a ubiquitous yet unequal decrease in mobility across transportation modes. Specifically, shared mobility services experienced a shift in demand due to increased concerns about COVID-19 transmission. As we move beyond the pandemic, gaining insights into the evolving travel demand landscape becomes crucial for adapting operations to the new normal of travel behavior. To that end, this study seeks to examine travelers’ intentions to adopt shared e-scooters and bikes in a scenario where COVID-19 risk is no longer a prominent factor. To achieve this, survey data were collected in Fall 2022 from three cities in the Midwest U.S. with different sizes, population densities, and maturity of shared mobility services. The survey solicited respondents’ opinions about their willingness to adopt shared mobility services in a future scenario. Covariance-based multigroup structural equation modeling (MG-SEM) was conducted to compare travel attitudes and perceptions among users from the three cities. Findings highlight the positive influence of attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and social norms on intentions to use micro-mobility. Additionally, the study reveals an unexpected positive influence of COVID-19 risk perception on intentions in one of the three cities, presenting an opportunity for service providers to capitalize on the perceived safety of shared micro-mobility in the future. Information about the intention to use shared mobility can help service operators anticipate a potential rise in demand, inform their operations, implement incentives and employ new market strategies to boost ridership.



COVID-19 大流行对出行方式产生了深远的影响,导致各种交通方式的流动性普遍但不平等地减少。具体来说,由于对 COVID-19 传播的担忧增加,共享出行服务的需求发生了变化。随着疫情的蔓延,深入了解不断变化的旅行需求格局对于调整运营以适应旅行行为的新常态至关重要。为此,本研究旨在调查在 COVID-19 风险不再是一个突出因素的情况下,旅行者采用共享电动滑板车和自行车的意图。为了实现这一目标,我们于 2022 年秋季从美国中西部三个城市收集了调查数据,这三个城市的规模、人口密度和共享出行服务的成熟度各不相同。该调查征求了受访者对未来采用共享出行服务意愿的意见。采用基于协方差的多组结构方程模型(MG-SEM)来比较三个城市用户的出行态度和感知。研究结果强调了态度、感知行为控制和社会规范对使用微移动的意图的积极影响。此外,该研究揭示了 COVID-19 风险认知对三个城市之一的意图产生了意想不到的积极影响,为服务提供商提供了一个机会,可以在未来利用共享微型移动出行的安全感知。有关使用共享出行意图的信息可以帮助服务运营商预测需求的潜在增长、为其运营提供信息、实施激励措施并采用新的市场策略来增加客流量。