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Religion Lived In-Between. Time, Space, and Religious Practices of Roman Catholic Women in Poland
Sociology of Religion ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1093/socrel/srae005
Anna Szwed 1

The article focuses on the role of time and space in the religious practices of Roman Catholic women. It aims to demonstrate not only how the spatial-temporal conditions of everyday life shape religious practices, but also how the space and time for practicing religion are produced as a result of practices. The article also shows how religious and other practices compete for limited spatial-temporal resources, contributing to the transformation of religious practices by incorporating new materials, technologies, and meanings. Based on the results of qualitative research among Roman Catholic women in Poland and using the praxeological lived religion approach, the analysis shows that religion is lived by women in-between—interwoven in temporal and spatial terms between other practices, either dominated by them or sometimes gaining a monopoly. The shape of religion in everyday life, therefore, does not only depend solely on the dynamics of religious practices, but also results from tensions between various social practices.


