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Conversation and pragmatics in children who are hard-of-hearing: a scoping review
Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1093/deafed/enae011
Jenna Bongioletti 1 , Maree Doble 1 , Alison Purcell 2

Technological and therapeutic advances have allowed many children who are born hard-of-hearing (HoH) to start school with age-appropriate spoken language skills, yet many of these children continue to find everyday conversations challenging. This scoping review maps the evidence related to development of conversation and pragmatic skills in children who are HoH and learning spoken language. The review followed Arksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework and the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews guidelines. Quality appraisal, data extraction, and thematic analysis were used to describe the data. Systematic searches identified 36 articles for inclusion. Sample sizes were small and heterogenous. Most studies focused on school-aged children with severe hearing loss or greater. Methodological rigor varied. Thematic analysis revealed two global themes. First, children who are HoH continue to find conversation and pragmatics difficult to master, and second, there are a set of audiological, communication, environmental, and demographic characteristics that are associated with better conversation and pragmatic outcomes, some of which are fixed, whereas others are malleable. Focused attention on designing valid and reliable assessments for conversation and pragmatic skills, and on developing therapeutic approaches targeting early conversation and pragmatic skill development, is needed to reduce the impact conversation and pragmatic differences across the lifespan.



技术和治疗的进步使许多先天听力困难 (HoH) 的儿童能够以适合年龄的口语技能开始上学,但其中许多儿童仍然觉得日常对话具有挑战性。这份范围审查描绘了与 HoH 和学习口语的儿童的对话和语用技能发展相关的证据。该审查遵循 Arksey 和 O'Malley 的方法框架以及 PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews 指南。使用质量评估、数据提取和主题分析来描述数据。系统检索确定了 36 篇文章纳入。样本量小且异质。大多数研究都集中在患有严重或严重听力损失的学龄儿童。方法论的严格程度各不相同。主题分析揭示了两个全球主题。首先,HoH 儿童仍然发现对话和语用学难以掌握,其次,存在一系列与更好的对话和语用结果相关的听力、沟通、环境和人口特征,其中一些是固定的,而其他人是可塑的。需要重点关注设计有效且可靠的对话和语用技能评估,并开发针对早期对话和语用技能发展的治疗方法,以减少整个生命周期中对话的影响和语用差异。