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Examining the impacts of salt specificity on freshwater microbial community and functional potential following salinization
Environmental Microbiology ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.16628
Jonathon B Van Gray 1 , Paul Ayayee 2

The degradation of freshwater systems by salt pollution is a threat to global freshwater resources. Salinization is commonly identified by increased specific conductance (conductivity), a proxy for salt concentrations. However, conductivity fails to account for the diversity of salts entering freshwaters and the potential implications this has on microbial communities and functions. We tested 4 types of salt pollution—MgCl2, MgSO4, NaCl, and Na2SO4—on bacterial taxonomic and functional α‐, β‐diversity of communities originating from streams in two distinct localities (Nebraska [NE] and Ohio [OH], USA). Community responses depended on the site of origin, with NE and OH exhibiting more pronounced decreases in community diversity in response to Na2SO4 and MgCl2 than other salt amendments. A closer examination of taxonomic and functional diversity metrics suggests that core features of communities are more resistant to induced salt stress and that marginal features at both a population and functional level are more likely to exhibit significant structural shifts based on salt specificity. The lack of uniformity in community response highlights the need to consider the compositional complexities of salinization to accurately identify the ecological consequences of instances of salt pollution.



盐污染造成的淡水系统退化对全球淡水资源构成威胁。盐化通常通过比电导(电导率)的增加来识别,电导率是盐浓度的代表。然而,电导率无法解释进入淡水的盐的多样性及其对微生物群落和功能的潜在影响。我们测试了4种盐污染——MgCl 2 , 硫酸镁4 、 氯化钠和钠2所以4 -关于源自两个不同地点(美国内布拉斯加州[NE]和俄亥俄州[OH])溪流的群落的细菌分类和功能α-、β-多样性。群落反应取决于起源地,NE 和 OH 对 Na 的反应表现出更明显的群落多样性下降2所以4和氯化镁2比其他盐改良剂。对分类学和功能多样性指标的仔细检查表明,群落的核心特征对诱导的盐胁迫更具抵抗力,并且种群和功能水平的边缘特征更有可能表现出基于盐特异性的显着结构变化。社区反应缺乏统一性凸显了需要考虑盐化的成分复杂性,以准确识别盐污染事件的生态后果。