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Intelligent design of shear wall layout based on diffusion models
Anaesthesia ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1111/mice.13236
Yi Gu 1 , Yuli Huang 1 , Wenjie Liao 1 , Xinzheng Lu 1

This study explores artificial intelligence (AI) for shear wall layout design, aiming to overcome challenges in data feature sparsity and the complexity of drawing representations in existing AI-based methods. We pioneer an innovative method leveraging the potential of diffusion models, establishing a suitable drawing representation, and examining the impact of various conditions. The proposed image-prompt diffusion model incorporating a mask tensor featuring tailored training methods demonstrates superior feature extraction and design effectiveness. A comparative study reveals the advanced capabilities of the Struct-Diffusion model in capturing engineering designs and optimizing performance metrics such as inter-story drift ratio (in elastic analysis), offering significant improvements over previous methods and paving the way for future innovations in intelligent designs.


