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Lifetime lung function trajectories: insights into risk factors, consequences and implications
Thorax ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-08-01 , DOI: 10.1136/thorax-2024-221544
Dinh S Bui 1 , Nur S Idrose 1 , Shyamali C Dharmage 2

Maintaining optimal lung function throughout life is important not only for respiratory health but also for overall health and longevity. With emerging evidence on the clinical significance of lung function at multiple windows throughout life, there has been an increasing number of studies on lung function trajectories1 including by Zhang et al in this issue.2 The term ‘lung function trajectory’ refers to how lung function tracks over time. The lungs start to develop from the first trimester of pregnancy, grow throughout childhood and adolescence, mature in early adulthood and then gradually age. As a result, lung function increases over time before reaching a peak in early adulthood, then plateaus for a while before declining with age. Lung function is influenced by adverse host factors and environmental exposures. Indeed, there are multiple and dynamic interactions between gene (G) and environment (E) throughout the lifespan (T), termed as GETomics,3 causing abnormalities at one or more life windows leading to impaired development, reduced growth, shortened plateau and accelerated decline. Due to varying GETomics, there can be substantial variation in change in lung function over time making up a range of lung function trajectories. Most studies on lung function trajectories were only able to capture either lung growth or decline phases.1 For example, studies from childhood to early adulthood (growth phase) including the Manchester Asthma and Allergy Study(MAAS, 5–16 years), the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, 8–24 years), the Australian Perth Infant Asthma Follow-up (PIAF, 1–18 years) and the Raine Study (6–22 years) reported multiple lung function trajectories that are parallel to the average trajectory.4 5 The Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study (TAHS) was the first to investigate lung function trajectories that capture both lung growth and decline (7–53 years).6 7 It not only showed two …



终生保持最佳肺功能不仅对呼吸系统健康很重要,而且对整体健康和寿命也很重要。随着关于一生中多个窗口的肺功能临床意义的证据不断涌现,关于肺功能轨迹1的研究也越来越多,包括本期Zhang等人的研究2。“肺功能轨迹”一词是指肺功能如何变化随着时间的推移进行跟踪。肺部从怀孕的前三个月开始发育,贯穿儿童期和青春期,在成年早期成熟,然后逐渐衰老。因此,肺功能随着时间的推移而增强,然后在成年早期达到峰值,然后稳定一段时间,然后随着年龄的增长而下降。肺功能受到不利宿主因素和环境暴露的影响。事实上,在整个生命周期 (T) 中,基因 (G) 和环境 (E) 之间存在多种动态相互作用,称为 GETomics,3 导致一个或多个生命窗口出现异常,从而导致发育受损、生长减缓、平台期缩短和加速。衰退。由于 GETomics 的不同,随着时间的推移,肺功能的变化可能会存在很大差异,从而构成一系列肺功能轨迹。大多数关于肺功能轨迹的研究只能捕获肺的生长或衰退阶段。1 例如,从儿童期到成年早期(生长阶段)的研究包括曼彻斯特哮喘和过敏研究(MAAS,5-16 岁)、雅芳父母和儿童的纵向研究(ALSPAC,8-24 岁)、澳大利亚珀斯婴儿哮喘随访(PIAF,1-18 岁)和 Raine 研究(6-22 岁)报告了多个肺功能轨迹,这些轨迹与平均轨迹。4 5 塔斯马尼亚纵向健康研究 (TAHS) 是第一个研究肺功能轨迹的研究,可捕捉肺的生长和衰退(7-53 岁)。6 7 它不仅显示了两个……