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Chaos and mixing in NETmix
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-17 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18461
Joana Matos 1, 2 , Ricardo J. Santos 1, 2 , Madalena M. Dias 1, 2 , José Carlos B. Lopes 1, 2

NETmix is a network of mixing chambers interconnected by channels, in which the most efficient mixing occurs under chaotic flow regimes. Chaos is highly influenced by the topology, particularly by the ratio chamber diameter/channel width, D/d. In this work, micromixing in NETmix is characterized through Lagrangian Mixing Simulation (LMS), which enables to establish the relation between the degree of mixing and the topology, D/d. The degree of mixing is then related with the Eulerian chaoticity from hydrodynamics and spectral analysis. The best mixing is obtained at D/d = 6.65 and is associated to a thin 8 shaped strange attractor. The spectral analysis shows a principal oscillation frequency at St = 0.13. Since the quasi‐periodic regime is alternated with chaotic behavior, NETmix has an intermittent bifurcation. For the NETmix system, orderly flows in the quasi‐periodic regime have higher mixing intensity than less orderly flows in the weak or strong chaotic regimes.


NETmix 中的混乱和混合

NETmix 是一个通过通道互连的混合室网络,其中最有效的混合发生在混沌流态下。混沌很大程度上受拓扑影响,特别是受腔室直径/通道宽度比率 D/d 的影响。在这项工作中,NETmix 中的微混合通过拉格朗日混合模拟 (LMS) 进行表征,从而能够建立混合程度与拓扑 D/d 之间的关系。然后,混合程度与流体动力学和光谱分析中的欧拉混沌性相关。最佳混合是在 D/d = 6.65 时获得的,并且与薄的 8 形奇异吸引子相关。频谱分析显示主振荡频率为 St = 0.13。由于准周期状态与混沌行为交替,因此 NETmix 具有间歇性分叉。对于 NETmix 系统,准周期状态下的有序流比弱或强混沌状态下的不太有序流具有更高的混合强度。