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Do we have enough space for the trees we need?
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128365
Eric Lund , Helena Nordh

In 2021, two guidelines were introduced with the purpose of increasing cities’ tree canopy coverage (TCC): Konijnendijk’s 3–30–300 rule, where 30 represents the goal to achieve at least 30 % TCC, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s (SEPA) guideline, aiming for all Swedish cities to increase their TCC by two percentage points (%pts) within a period of 10 years. While these ambitious goals are positive, not least from a sustainability perspective, there is a lack of research on whether these goals are feasible and how to reach them in practice. The overall TCC in Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth largest city, is 28 %, with considerably lower TCC in the eastern parts of the city. In this study, we will investigate, and visualise, how a 2 %pts increase as well as 30 % TCC could be achieved in two areas in eastern Uppsala: Fålhagen, a residential area, and Boländerna, a commercial and industrial area. We used geographical information systems (GIS) and a scenario approach to calculate the number of trees needed, and possible locations for them, to achieve a 2 %pts increase or the 30 % TCC goal. The results show that an increase of 2 %pts seems possible in both areas, particularly if the municipality and private property owners collaborate. However, it is difficult to estimate the time needed until the canopies of the proposed trees have become large enough to reach the 2 %pts increase. It does not seem likely to reach 30 % TCC in eastern Uppsala with today’s land use. To be able to reach the goals presented in this paper, it seems necessary to include them in municipality policies. Perhaps Konijnendijk’s and SEPA’s guidelines can be starting points for such policies and applied as rules-of-thumb rather than applicable planning tools.



2021 年,出台了两项指导方针,旨在增加城市的树冠覆盖率 (TCC):Konijnendijk 的 3–30–300 规则,其中 30 代表实现至少 30% TCC 的目标,以及瑞典环境保护局 (SEPA) 的)指导方针,目标是所有瑞典城市在 10 年内将 TCC 提高两个百分点 (%pts)。虽然这些雄心勃勃的目标是积极的,尤其是从可持续发展的角度来看,但缺乏关于这些目标是否可行以及如何在实践中实现这些目标的研究。瑞典第四大城市乌普萨拉的总体TCC为28%,该市东部地区的TCC要低得多。在本研究中,我们将调查并想象如何在乌普萨拉东部的两个地区实现 2% 的增长和 30% 的 TCC:Fålhagen(住宅区)和 Boländerna(商业和工业区)。我们使用地理信息系统 (GIS) 和场景方法来计算所需的树木数量以及它们的可能位置,以实现 2% 点的增加或 30% TCC 的目标。结果显示,这两个领域似乎都有可能实现 2% 的增长,特别是如果市政当局和私人业主合作的话。然而,很难估计拟议树木的树冠变得足够大以达到 2% 点增长所需的时间。以目前的土地利用情况,乌普萨拉东部的 TCC 似乎不太可能达到 30%。为了能够实现本文提出的目标,似乎有必要将它们纳入市政政策中。也许 Konijnendijk 和 SEPA 的指导方针可以作为此类政策的起点,并作为经验法则而不是适用的规划工具来应用。