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The ConSoil project: An integrated framework for monitoring plant protection product residues in agricultural soil
European Journal of Soil Science ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13505
Mathieu Renaud 1 , Sophie Campiche 2 , Gilda Dell'Ambrogio 1 , Mireia Marti‐Roura 1 , Marion Junghans 1 , Benoit J. D. Ferrari 1

Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are widely used to maintain high productivity and protect crops, but can have unintended toxic effects on beneficial non‐target soil organisms. To avoid unacceptable adverse effects of PPPs on soil organisms, a prospective risk assessment is carried out, which focuses on individual substances and their effects on a few individual species or groups. However, the reality of agricultural soils consists of complex networks of organisms exposed to mixtures of several PPP active substances. It is therefore essential to monitor PPP residues in soils. This paper describes the ConSoil project and its proposed framework for monitoring PPP residues in Swiss Agricultural soils which includes and integrates (1) risk‐based reference values for PPP residues in soil and (2) indicators of their effects on long‐term soil fertility. For risk‐based reference values, a proposal has been developed to derive Soil Guideline Values (SGVs) for PPP residues and a mixture risk assessment concept is being developed. Regarding indicators, a toolbox of ecological and ecotoxicological indicators will be proposed to reflect the protection goal of long‐term soil fertility in agricultural soils. For this objective, standardised and/or well‐established bioindicator methods will be selected for the key soil organisms that support soil fertility. To integrate SGVs and the biomonitoring toolbox, an adapted TRIAD approach is proposed, where generic SGVs are used as a screening tool to identify monitoring sites potentially at risk and to trigger more detailed monitoring. Detailed monitoring will refine the SGVs based on site‐specific characteristics and implement the bioindicator toolbox to measure the effects of PPP residues and their risk to long‐term soil fertility. As a novel integrated framework, it is essential to use the data generated in detailed assessments to calibrate and refine the SGVs and bioindicator tools and improve the monitoring over time.


ConSoil 项目:监测农业土壤中植物保护产品残留的综合框架

植物保护产品 (PPP) 广泛用于维持高生产力和保护作物,但可能对有益的非目标土壤生物产生意想不到的毒性作用。为了避免 PPP 对土壤生物产生不可接受的不利影响,进行了前瞻性风险评估,重点关注个别物质及其对少数个别物种或群体的影响。然而,农业土壤的实际情况是由暴露于多种 PPP 活性物质混合物的复杂生物网络组成。因此,监测土壤中的 PPP 残留量至关重要。本文介绍了 ConSoil 项目及其拟议的瑞士农业土壤中 PPP 残留监测框架,其中包括并整合了 (1) 土壤中 PPP 残留的基于风险的参考值和 (2) 其对长期土壤肥力影响的指标。对于基于风险的参考值,已经制定了一项提案来推导 PPP 残留物的土壤指导值 (SGV),并且正在开发混合物风险评估概念。在指标方面,将提出生态和生态毒理学指标工具箱,以反映农业土壤长期土壤肥力的保护目标。为了实现这一目标,将为支持土壤肥力的关键土壤生物选择标准化和/或完善的生物指示剂方法。为了整合 SGV 和生物监测工具箱,提出了一种改编的 TRIAD 方法,其中使用通用 SGV 作为筛选工具来识别潜在风险的监测点并触发更详细的监测。详细监测将根据场地特定特征完善 SGV,并实施生物指示剂工具箱来测量 PPP 残留物的影响及其对长期土壤肥力的风险。 作为一种新颖的综合框架,必须使用详细评估中生成的数据来校准和完善 SGV 和生物指示剂工具,并随着时间的推移改进监测。