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Money Matters! Evidence From a Survey Experiment on Attitudes Toward Maternal Employment Across Contexts in Germany
Gender & Society ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1177/08912432241252601
Corinna Frodermann 1 , Lena Hipp 2 , Mareike Bünning 3

This paper examines the context dependency of attitudes toward maternal employment. We test three sets of factors that may affect these attitudes—economic benefits, normative obligations, and child-related consequences—by analyzing data from a unique survey experimental design implemented in a large-scale household panel survey in Germany (17,388 observations from 3,494 respondents). Our results show that the economic benefits associated with maternal employment are the most important predictor of attitudes supporting maternal employment. Moreover, we find that attitudes toward maternal employment vary by individual, household, and contextual characteristics (in particular, childcare quality). We interpret this variation as an indication that negative attitudes toward maternal employment do not necessarily reflect gender essentialism; rather, gender role attitudes are contingent upon the frames individuals have in mind.



本文探讨了对母亲就业态度的背景依赖性。我们测试了可能影响这些态度的三组因素——经济利益、规范义务和与儿童相关的后果——通过分析德国大规模家庭小组调查中实施的独特调查实验设计的数据(来自 3,494 名受访者的 17,388 项观察结果) )。我们的结果表明,与孕产妇就业相关的经济效益是支持孕产妇就业态度的最重要预测因素。此外,我们发现对孕产妇就业的态度因个人、家庭和背景特征(特别是儿童保育质量)而异。我们将这种差异解释为对孕产妇就业的消极态度并不一定反映性别本质主义;相反,性别角色态度取决于个人心目中的框架。