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Participatory co-learning for human–wildlife coexistence: Reflections on a novel program applying systems thinking, nonviolent communication, and learning-based approaches
Ambio ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-024-02032-5
Ruth Kansky , Tarek Maassarani , Joern Fischer

As wildlife habitats become increasingly fragmented, sharing landscapes with wildlife is becoming difficult and complex. Because stakeholders with diverging interests struggle to collaborate to manage human–wildlife interactions, new approaches are needed. Here we reflect on a novel participatory learning program we implemented with farmers in communal conservancies in the Zambezi region of Namibia. The 9 week program aimed to understand why human–wildlife conflict remained a challenge. We combined three theoretical framings in the program design—systems thinking, nonviolent communication, and learning based approaches. We summarize key outcomes of each session and reflect on the overall program. We found a synergistic effect of the three framings and concluded that our integrated program had been a useful collaborative learning tool to understand the human–wildlife governance system, identify interventions, empower communities, and build capacity for collaboration to improve human wellbeing and human–wildlife interactions. Drawing on our experience, we make suggestions for how the program could be adapted for similar or other environmental problems elsewhere.



随着野生动物栖息地变得越来越分散,与野生动物共享景观变得变得困难和复杂。由于具有不同利益的利益相关者难以合作管理人类与野生动物的互动,因此需要新的方法。在这里,我们回顾了我们在纳米比亚赞比西地区的公共保护区与农民一起实施的一项新颖的参与式学习计划。这个为期 9 周的项目旨在了解为什么人类与野生动物的冲突仍然是一个挑战。我们在程序设计中结合了三个理论框架——系统思维、非暴力沟通和基于学习的方法。我们总结每次会议的主要成果并反思整个计划。我们发现这三个框架具有协同效应,并得出结论认为,我们的综合计划是一个有用的协作学习工具,可以帮助您了解人类-野生动物治理系统、确定干预措施、赋予社区权力并建设协作能力,以改善人类福祉和人类-野生动物互动。根据我们的经验,我们就如何将该计划应用于其他地方的类似或其他环境问题提出建议。
