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Typology analysis of cattle farms in Northeast Algeria: Potential for sustainable development
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.103995
Aissam Bousbia , Yassine Gueroui , Abdellah Aouadi , Mahilet Dawit Teweldebirhan , Rui José Branquinho Bessa , George Symeon , Sofiane Boudalia

Currently, local cattle breeds are facing numerous challenges, and their disappearance could have social, economic, and environmental consequences. This study was conducted in the northeast of Algeria to understand the characteristics, constraints of production systems and examine the specific strategies implemented in farms to ensure their viability. A total of 175 smallholder farmers who practice Algerian local cattle breeding were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Typology construction was carried out through factor analysis of mixed data, followed by sequential agglomerative hierarchical and K-means clustering, to define distinct farmer types with common characteristics. Results highlight three farm types. The first group, representing 54.9% (96/175Farms) of the farms studied, is characterized by low-resource breeders who raise small herds of local breeds in association with small ruminants. Type 2 (25.7%) (45/175) consists of crossbred, diversified, supported breeding with better technical performance. The intensification strategies adopted by breeders of this type have relegated local cattle to the background. The third type (19.4%) (34/175) includes cattle pastoral farms, with the predominance of the local cattle breed characterized by limited productivity. This study highlights farm diversity, the necessity of government support, and specific policies to ensure the sustainability of local cattle breeding, with particular emphasis on pastoral breeding, which has the largest number of local cattle breeds.



目前,当地牛品种面临着诸多挑战,它们的消失可能会产生社会、经济和环境后果。这项研究在阿尔及利亚东北部进行,旨在了解生产系统的特点和限制,并检查农场实施的具体策略,以确保其生存能力。使用结构化调查问卷对 175 名从事阿尔及利亚当地牛养殖的小农进行了采访。通过混合数据的因子分析进行类型学构建,然后进行顺序凝聚层次和 K 均值聚类,以定义具有共同特征的不同农民类型。结果突出了三种农场类型。第一组占所研究农场的 54.9%(96/175 个农场),其特点是资源匮乏的饲养者,他们饲养小群当地品种与小型反刍动物。类型 2 (25.7%) (45/175) 由杂交、多样化、支持育种组成,技术性能较好。这种类型的饲养者所采取的集约化策略使当地的牛退居幕后。第三类(19.4%)(34/175)包括牧牛场,以当地牛品种为主,生产力有限。这项研究强调了农场的多样性、政府支持的必要性以及确保当地牛养殖可持续性的具体政策,特别强调了拥有最多当地牛品种的牧区养殖。