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Urban Transport Policies and Net Zero Emissions in the European Union
Annual Review of Resource Economics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-resource-101623-101611
Rob Hart 1 , Efthymia Kyriakopoulou 1, 2 , Tingmingke Lu 3

This review discusses the role of road transport policies in achieving the European Union's ambitious zero-emission target for the transportation sector by 2050 and provides an overview of the empirical literature that studies the effectiveness of urban transport policies. The analysis is divided into two parts. First, we study policies that are relevant in the transitional phase from internal combustion engine vehicles to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), then we discuss policies that will remain relevant as we switch entirely to BEVs. In the best-case scenario, the transition can be driven by fuel taxes, but in case fuel taxes are not feasible or acceptable, a combination of penalties for buying polluting vehicles and subsidies for scrappage of such vehicles might be the best compromise. In the long run, road space will be increasingly at a premium, and to ensure its efficient use, increasingly sophisticated road-pricing policies will be needed.



本综述讨论了道路交通政策在实现欧盟到 2050 年交通部门雄心勃勃的零排放目标中的作用,并概述了研究城市交通政策有效性的实证文献。分析分为两部分。首先,我们研究从内燃机汽车到电池电动汽车 (BEV) 过渡阶段的相关政策,然后我们讨论在我们完全转向 BEV 时仍将相关的政策。在最好的情况下,燃料税可以推动转型,但如果燃料税不可行或不可接受,则对购买污染车辆的处罚和对此类车辆报废的补贴相结合可能是最好的折衷方案。从长远来看,道路空间将越来越宝贵,为了确保其有效利用,需要越来越复杂的道路定价政策。