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Copper Accumulation and its Effect on Glyoxalase System, AsA-GSH Cycle, Antioxidase Activity in Pontederia cordota Leaves
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s11270-024-07030-7
Jianpan Xin , Sisi Ma , Hanwen Xiao , Runan Tian

Whether the ascorbic acid (AsA)-(glutathione) GSH cycle and glyoxalase (Gly) system in plants synergistically cope with potentially toxic elements have scarcely ever been evaluated. Consequently, a hydroponic experiment was adopted to investigate variations in AsA-GSH cycle, Gly system, antioxidative enzyme activity, membrane permeability, and chlorophyll content in Pontederia cordata leaves with 0 ~ 5.0 mg L−1 copper (Cu2+) exposure. Cu2+ concentration immobilized in the plant roots, stems, and leaves were also evaluated. With various Cu2+ concentration exposure, approximately 51.54 ~ 69.27% Cu2+ was immobilized in the roots, accounting for the leaves defense against Cu2+. The 5.0 mg L−1 Cu2+ exposure decreased Cu2+ translocation from stems to leaves by 64.55% compared to that in the treatment of 1.0 mg L−1 Cu2+ exposure. With 1.0 ~ 5.0 mg L−1 Cu2+ exposure for 7 d and 14 d, the plant normally grew by stable chlorophyll content, and this attributed to the increased peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, dehydroascorbate reductase activities in the leaves. And meanwhile, GSH, non-protein thiol total peptide (NPT), and phytochelatins (PCs) in the leaves significantly increased with 5.0 mg L−1 Cu2+ exposure for 7 d. With 1.0 ~ 5.0 mg L−1 Cu2+ exposure for 21 d and 28 d, chlorophyll content markedly decreased, and this resulted in chlorosis and wilting. However, Gly system did not function well in MG detoxification. Generally, to alleviate the toxic symptoms induced by Cu2+, the positive role of GSH, NPT, and PCs, while not Gly system in the leaves was observed.



植物中的抗坏血酸 (AsA)-(谷胱甘肽) GSH 循环和乙二醛酶 (Gly) 系统是否协同应对潜在的有毒元素几乎从未被评估过。因此,采用水培实验研究了0 ~ 5.0 mg L -1铜(Cu 2+)暴露下Pontederia cordata叶片中AsA-GSH循环、Gly系统、抗氧化酶活性、膜通透性和叶绿素含量的变化。还评价了固定在植物根、茎和叶中的Cu 2+浓度。在不同的Cu 2+浓度暴露下,大约51.54 ~ 69.27%的Cu 2+被固定在根部,占叶子对Cu 2+的防御。与1.0 mg L -1 Cu 2+暴露处理相比,5.0 mg L -1 Cu 2+暴露使Cu 2+从茎到叶的易位减少了64.55% 。 1.0 ~ 5.0 mg L -1 Cu 2+暴露7 d和14 d后,植物正常生长,叶绿素含量稳定,这归因于叶片中过氧化物酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶活性的增加。同时,5.0 mg·L -1 Cu 2+处理7 d后,叶片中的GSH、非蛋白硫醇总肽(NPT)和植物螯合素(PCs)显着增加。 1.0~5.0 mg·L -1 Cu 2+处理21 d和28 d,叶绿素含量明显下降,导致失绿、萎蔫。然而,Gly系统在MG解毒中的作用并不好。总体而言,对于缓解Cu 2+引起的中毒症状,GSH、NPT和PCs发挥了积极作用,而叶片中的Gly系统则没有发挥作用。
