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Finite element modeling of thermal‐hydro‐mechanical coupled processes in unsaturated freezing soils considering air‐water capillary pressure and cryosuction
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1002/nag.3761
Emad Norouzi 1 , Biao Li 1

This paper presents a comprehensive computational model for analyzing thermo‐hydro‐mechanical coupled processes in unsaturated porous media under frost actions. The model employs the finite element method to simulate multiphase fluid flows, heat transfer, phase change, and deformation behaviors. A new soil freezing characteristic curve model is proposed to consider the suctions from air‐water capillary pressure and water‐ice cryosuction. A total pore pressure with components from liquid water pressure, air pressure, and ice pressure is used in the effective stress law. Vapor and dry air are considered miscible gases, utilizing the ideal gas law and Dalton's law. The governing equations encompass the linear momentum balance equation, the energy balance equation, and mass conservation equations for water species (ice, liquid, and vapor) and dry air. Weak forms are formulated based on primary variables of displacement, water pressure, air pressure, and temperature. The spatial discretization is achieved through the finite element method, while temporal discretization employs the fully implicit finite difference method, resulting in a system of fully coupled nonlinear equations. To verify the proposed computational model, a numerical implementation is developed and validated against a set of experimental data from the literature. The successful verification demonstrates the robustness of the model. A detailed discussion of the contributions from phase change strain and different sources of pore pressure is also addressed.


