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Friendship Homophily Trajectories among Asian American Youth from High School to College
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02008-4
Xiang Zhou 1 , Michael Park 2 , Yoonsun Choi 3

Friendship racial homophily, the tendency to form friendships with individuals who share the same racial background, is a normative developmental phenomenon that holds particular significance for youth of color in a racialized society. Yet, there exists a paucity of longitudinal research elucidating the stability and change of friendship racial composition across developmental span. This study aimed to examine the friendship racial homophily trajectories over a six-year period encompassing four time points. The sample comprised 437 Asian American youth (MAge = 16.52, SDAge = 1.36, 53% female), with 197 Filipino and 240 Korean participants. Using logistic multilevel modeling analyses, it was found that both Filipino and Korean American youth demonstrated an increase in friendship racial homophily from high school to college, but that Filipino youth overall reported lower levels of racial homophily compared to their Korean counterparts. The study findings also pinpointed several influential factors impacting these trajectories, including proficiency in heritage languages, ethnic identity, and encounters with racial discrimination from both White Americans and other People of Color. These results highlight the continuous evolution of friendship racial composition from high school to college and emphasize the crucial role of ethnic identity and experiences of discrimination in influencing these dynamics, with ethnic identity exerting more enduring effects and experiences of discrimination showing more situational impacts on the levels of racial homophily.



友谊种族同质性,即与具有相同种族背景的个人建立友谊的倾向,是一种规范的发展现象,对于种族化社会中的有色人种青年具有特别重要的意义。然而,缺乏纵向研究来阐明友谊种族构成在整个发展过程中的稳定性和变化。这项研究旨在研究六年内四个时间点的友谊种族同质性轨迹。样本包括 437 名亚裔美国青年( M年龄= 16.52, SD年龄= 1.36,53% 为女性),其中 197 名菲律宾人,240 名韩国人。使用逻辑多层次模型分析发现,从高中到大学,菲律宾和韩裔美国青年的友谊种族同质性均有所增加,但菲律宾青年总体上报告的种族同质性水平低于韩国青年。研究结果还指出了影响这些轨迹的几个影响因素,包括传统语言的熟练程度、种族身份以及遭遇美国白人和其他有色人种的种族歧视。这些结果凸显了从高中到大学友谊种族构成的不断演变,并强调了种族认同和歧视经历在影响这些动态方面的关键作用,种族认同发挥了更持久的影响,而歧视经历则对水平产生了更多的情境影响。种族同质性。
