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Mechanisms of acid generation from ionic photoacid generators for extreme ultraviolet and electron beam lithography
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-16 , DOI: 10.1039/d4cp01814a
Chengbin Fu 1, 2 , Kun Du 1 , Jie Xue 1 , Hanshen Xin 1 , Jianhua Zhang 1 , Haoyuan Li 1, 2

Photoacid generators (PAGs) are important components of chemically amplified resists. The properties of PAGs directly affect the sensitivity of photoresists, line edge roughness, and resolution. Understanding the photoacid generation process in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and electron beam (EB) lithography is helpful for photoresist design. However, the microscopic mechanisms remain largely unclear and the large variety in the molecular structure of PAGs presents a challenge to overcome. In this work, we investigate the microscopic processes of photoacid production of ionic PAGs for EUV and EB lithography. The PAG dissociation pathway is found to depend on the molecular structure and conformations. The processes of photoacid production and by-product generation are also revealed. The results contribute to a better understanding of the photochemical reactions in EUV and EB lithography, providing insights into the molecular design of novel PAGs and photoresists.



光酸产生剂(PAG)是化学放大抗蚀剂的重要组成部分。 PAG的特性直接影响光刻胶的灵敏度、线边缘粗糙度和分辨率。了解极紫外(EUV)和电子束(EB)光刻中的光酸生成过程有助于光刻胶设计。然而,其微观机制仍不清楚,并且 PAG 分子结构的多样性提出了需要克服的挑战。在这项工作中,我们研究了用于 EUV 和 EB 光刻的离子 PAG 光酸生产的微观过程。发现 PAG 解离途径取决于分子结构和构象。还揭示了光酸生产和副产物产生的过程。这些结果有助于更好地理解 EUV 和 EB 光刻中的光化学反应,为新型 PAG 和光刻胶的分子设计提供见解。