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High-fidelity four-photon GHZ states on chip
npj Quantum Information ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1038/s41534-024-00830-z
Mathias Pont , Giacomo Corrielli , Andreas Fyrillas , Iris Agresti , Gonzalo Carvacho , Nicolas Maring , Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau , Francesco Ceccarelli , Ricardo Albiero , Paulo Henrique Dias Ferreira , Niccolo Somaschi , Jean Senellart , Isabelle Sagnes , Martina Morassi , Aristide Lemaître , Pascale Senellart , Fabio Sciarrino , Marco Liscidini , Nadia Belabas , Roberto Osellame

Mutually entangled multi-photon states are at the heart of all-optical quantum technologies. While impressive progresses have been reported in the generation of such quantum light states using free space apparatus, high-fidelity high-rate on-chip entanglement generation is crucial for future scalability. In this work, we use a bright quantum-dot based single-photon source to demonstrate the high fidelity generation of 4-photon Greenberg-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states with a low-loss reconfigurable glass photonic circuit. We reconstruct the density matrix of the generated states using full quantum-state tomography reaching an experimental fidelity to the target state of \({{{{\mathcal{F}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{GHZ}}}}}_{4}}=(86.0\pm 0.4)\, \%\), and a purity of \({{{{\mathcal{P}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{GHZ}}}}}_{4}}=(76.3\pm 0.6)\, \%\). The entanglement of the generated states is certified with a semi device-independent approach through the violation of a Bell-like inequality by more than 39 standard deviations. Finally, we carry out a four-partite quantum secret sharing protocol on-chip where a regulator shares with three interlocutors a sifted key with up to 1978 bits, achieving a qubit-error rate of 10.87%. These results establish that the quantum-dot technology combined with glass photonic circuitry offers a viable path for entanglement generation and distribution.


芯片上高保真四光子 GHZ 状态

相互纠缠的多光子态是全光量子技术的核心。尽管使用自由空间装置生成此类量子光态方面取得了令人瞩目的进展,但高保真高速率片上纠缠生成对于未来的可扩展性至关重要。在这项工作中,我们使用基于明亮量子点的单光子源来演示使用低损耗可重构玻璃光子电路高保真地生成 4 光子格林伯格-霍恩-泽林格 (GHZ) 态。我们使用全量子态断层扫描重建生成状态的密度矩阵,达到了对目标状态\({{{{\mathcal{F}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{GHZ}}}}}_{4}}=(86.0\pm 0.4)\, \%\)的实验保真度和\({{{{\mathcal{P}}}}}_{{{{{\rm{GHZ}}}}}_{4}}=(76.3\pm 0.6)\, \%\) 的纯度。通过违反超过 39 个标准差的贝尔不等式,使用半设备独立方法认证生成状态的纠缠。最后,我们在芯片上执行四部分量子秘密共享协议,其中一个调节器与三个对话者共享一个最多 1978 位的筛选密钥,实现 10.87% 的量子比特错误率。这些结果表明,量子点技术与玻璃光子电路相结合为纠缠的产生和分布提供了可行的途径。
