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Targeting inflammasomes and pyroptosis in retinal diseases—molecular mechanisms and future perspectives
Progress in Retinal and Eye Research ( IF 18.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2024.101263
Yimeng Sun 1 , Fan Li 2 , Yunfei Liu 1 , Dijie Qiao 1 , Xinyu Yao 1 , Guei-Sheung Liu 3 , Dequan Li 4 , Chuanle Xiao 1 , Tao Wang 5 , Wei Chi 1

Retinal diseases encompass various conditions associated with sight-threatening immune responses and are leading causes of blindness worldwide. These diseases include age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and uveitis. Emerging evidence underscores the vital role of the innate immune response in retinal diseases, beyond the previously emphasized T-cell-driven processes of the adaptive immune system. In particular, pyroptosis, a newly discovered programmed cell death process involving inflammasome formation, has been implicated in the loss of membrane integrity and the release of inflammatory cytokines. Several disease-relevant animal models have provided evidence that the formation of inflammasomes and the induction of pyroptosis in innate immune cells contribute to inflammation in various retinal diseases. In this review article, we summarize current knowledge about the innate immune system and pyroptosis in retinal diseases. We also provide insights into translational targeting approaches, including novel drugs countering pyroptosis, to improve the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases.



视网膜疾病包括与威胁视力的免疫反应相关的各种病症,是全世界失明的主要原因。这些疾病包括年龄相关性黄斑变性、糖尿病性视网膜病变、青光眼和葡萄膜炎。新的证据强调了先天免疫反应在视网膜疾病中的重要作用,超越了之前强调的适应性免疫系统的 T 细胞驱动过程。特别是焦亡,一种新发现的涉及炎症小体形成的程序性细胞死亡过程,与膜完整性的丧失和炎症细胞因子的释放有关。几种与疾病相关的动物模型提供的证据表明,炎症小体的形成和先天免疫细胞焦亡的诱导导致了各种视网膜疾病的炎症。在这篇综述文章中,我们总结了有关先天免疫系统和视网膜疾病焦亡的当前知识。我们还提供对转化靶向方法的见解,包括抗细胞焦亡的新药物,以改善视网膜疾病的诊断和治疗。