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How rich were the rich? An empirically-based taxonomy of pre-industrial bases of wealth
Explorations in Economic History ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eeh.2024.101592
Branko Milanovic

The paper uses fifty-three social tables, ranging from Greece in 330 BCE to Mexico in 1940 to estimate the share and level of income of the top 1 % in pre-industrial societies. The share of the top 1 % covers a vast range from around 10 % to more than 40 % of society's income and does not always move together with the estimated Gini coefficient and the Inequality Extraction Ratio. I provide a taxonomy of pre-industrial societies based on the social class and type of assets (land, control of government, merchant capital, citizenship) that are associated with the top classes as well as lack of assets associated with poverty.



该论文使用了从公元前 330 年的希腊到 1940 年的墨西哥的 53 个社会表格来估计前工业社会中顶层 1% 的收入份额和水平。顶层 1% 人口的收入占社会收入的 10% 左右到 40% 以上不等,并且并不总是与估计的基尼系数和不平等提取率一起变化。我根据与顶层阶级相关的社会阶层和资产类型(土地、政府控制、商业资本、公民身份)以及与贫困相关的资产缺乏,对前工业社会进行了分类。