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Process safety 4.0: Artificial intelligence or intelligence augmentation for safer process operation?
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.18475
Rajeevan Arunthavanathan 1, 2 , Zaman Sajid 1, 2 , Md. Tanjin Amin 1, 2 , Yuhe Tian 3 , Faisal Khan 1, 2 , Efstratios Pistikopoulos 1, 4

The growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed industries to automate and improve their efficiency in operations. Especially in process industries, AI helps to develop intelligent models and tools to proactively monitor and predict equipment or system failures, minimize downtime, and optimize maintenance schedules. With the advancements in AI and its ability to perform tasks, there is a growing belief that AI may eventually replace humans. However, the absence of human involvement in operations in the process industry raises safety concerns. Therefore, AI should collaborate with humans rather than replace them in processing facility operations. This technology is referred to as intelligence augmentation (IA). This article (i) presents a detailed comparison between AI and IA's potential in process systems, (ii) identifies the feasibility of using AI and IA in process safety, and (iii) identifies the risk associated with the implementation of AI or IA in process industries.


过程安全 4.0:人工智能或智能增强可实现更安全的过程操作?

人工智能 (AI) 的发展使各行业能够实现自动化并提高运营效率。特别是在流程工业中,人工智能有助于开发智能模型和工具,以主动监控和预测设备或系统故障,最大限度地减少停机时间并优化维护计划。随着人工智能及其执行任务能力的进步,人们越来越相信人工智能最终可能取代人类。然而,流程工业操作中缺乏人工参与引发了安全问题。因此,人工智能应该与人类合作,而不是在处理设施操作中取代人类。这项技术被称为智能增强(IA)。本文 (i) 详细比较了人工智能和 IA 在过程系统中的潜力,(ii) 确定了在过程安全中使用 AI 和 IA 的可行性,以及 (iii) 确定了在过程中实施 AI 或 IA 相关的风险行业。