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The Prevalence and Influence of New or Worsened Neck Pain After a Sport-Related Concussion in Collegiate Athletes: A Study From the CARE Consortium
The American Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1177/03635465241247212
Jeffrey A King 1 , Lindsay D Nelson 2 , Kelly Cheever 3 , Benjamin Brett 2 , Jordan Gliedt 2 , Aniko Szabo 4 , Huaying Dong 5 , Daniel L Huber 2 , Steven P Broglio 6 , Thomas W McAllister 7 , Michael McCrea 2 , Paul Pasquina 8 , Luis A Feigenbaum 9 , April Hoy 10 , Jason P Mihalik 11 , Stefan M Duma 12 , Thomas Buckley 13 , Louise A Kelly 14 , Chris Miles 15 , Joshua T Goldman 16 , Holly J Benjamin 17 , Christina L Master 18 , Justus Ortega 19 , Anthony Kontos 20 , James R Clugston 21 , Kenneth L Cameron 22 , Thomas W Kaminski 13 , Sara P Chrisman 23 , James T Eckner 24 , Nicholas Port 25 , Gerald McGinty 26, 27

Background:Neck pain in a concussion population is an emerging area of study that has been shown to have a negative influence on recovery. This effect has not yet been studied in collegiate athletes.Hypothesis:New or worsened neck pain is common after a concussion (>30%), negatively influences recovery, and is associated with patient sex and level of contact in sport.Study Design:Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2.Methods:Varsity-level athletes from 29 National Collegiate Athletic Association member institutions as well as nonvarsity sport athletes at military service academies were eligible for enrollment. Participants completed a preseason baseline assessment and follow-up assessments at 6 and 24 to 48 hours after a concussion, when they were symptom-free, and when they returned to unrestricted play. Data collection occurred between January 2014 and September 2018.Results:A total of 2163 injuries were studied. New or worsened neck pain was reported with 47.0% of injuries. New or worsened neck pain was associated with patient sex (higher in female athletes), an altered mental status after the injury, the mechanism of injury, and what the athlete collided with. The presence of new/worsened neck pain was associated with delayed recovery. Those with new or worsened neck pain had 11.1 days of symptoms versus 8.8 days in those without ( P < .001). They were also less likely to have a resolution of self-reported symptoms in ≤7 days ( P < .001). However, the mean duration of the return-to-play protocol was not significantly different for those with new or worsened neck pain (7.5 ± 7.7 days) than those without (7.4 ± 8.3 days) ( P = .592).Conclusion:This novel study shows that neck pain was common in collegiate athletes sustaining a concussion, was influenced by many factors, and negatively affected recovery.


大学运动员运动相关脑震荡后新发或加重颈部疼痛的患病率和影响:来自 CARE 联盟的一项研究

背景:脑震荡人群的颈部疼痛是一个新兴的研究领域,已被证明对康复有负面影响。这种效应尚未在大学运动员中进行过研究。假设:脑震荡后新发或加重的颈部疼痛很常见 (>30%),对康复有负面影响,并且与患者性别和运动中的接触程度有关。研究设计:队列学习;证据水平,2.方法:来自29个美国大学体育协会成员机构的校队运动员以及军事学院的非校队运动员有资格报名。参与者在脑震荡后 6 小时和 24 至 48 小时、无症状以及返回不受限制的比赛时完成季前基线评估和后续评估。数据收集发生在 2014 年 1 月至 2018 年 9 月期间。结果:共研究了 2163 起伤害事件。据报道,47.0% 的损伤中有新发或加重的颈部疼痛。新发或加重的颈部疼痛与患者性别(女性运动员较高)、受伤后精神状态的改变、受伤机制以及运动员碰撞的物体有关。新出现/加重的颈部疼痛与恢复延迟有关。颈部疼痛新发或加重的患者出现症状的时间为 11.1 天,而没有症状的患者则为 8.8 天 (P < .001)。他们也不太可能在 ≤7 天内解决自我报告的症状 (P < .001)。然而,对于新出现或恶化颈部疼痛的患者(7.5 ± 7.7 天),与没有颈部疼痛的患者(7.4 ± 8.3 天)相比,重返比赛的平均持续时间没有显着差异(P = .592)。结论:这项新颖的研究表明,颈部疼痛在遭受脑震荡的大学运动员中很常见,受多种因素影响,并对康复产生负面影响。