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News participation is declining: Evidence from 46 countries between 2015 and 2022
New Media & Society ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1177/14614448241247822
Sacha Altay 1 , Richard Fletcher 2 , Rasmus Kleis Nielsen 2

Digital media are often praised for having offered new ways to participate with news. But how has participation with news changed in recent years? A pre-registered analysis of survey data from 2015 to 2022 in 46 countries ( N = 577,859) shows that participation with news has declined. This decrease is observed in most countries and for most forms of participation, including liking, sharing, commenting on news on social media and talking about the news offline. The only form of participation that has increased is news sharing via private messaging apps. Overall, participation with news was higher among younger people, the university-educated, those with high interest in news and those with low trust in news. Over time, participation has declined more for those with lower trust in news, those without a bachelor’s degree and for women. Within countries, increases in political polarization were associated with lower participation.


新闻参与度正在下降:2015 年至 2022 年间 46 个国家的证据

数字媒体经常因提供了参与新闻的新方式而受到赞扬。但近年来新闻参与发生了怎样的变化?对 2015 年至 2022 年 46 个国家(N = 577,859)调查数据的预登记分析显示,新闻参与度有所下降。大多数国家和大多数参与形式都出现了这种下降,包括在社交媒体上点赞、分享、评论新闻以及线下谈论新闻。唯一增加的参与形式是通过私人消息应用程序分享新闻。总体而言,年轻人、受过大学教育、对新闻高度感兴趣和对新闻信任度较低的人对新闻的参与度较高。随着时间的推移,那些对新闻信任度较低的人、没有学士学位的人和女性的参与度下降得更多。在国家内部,政治两极分化的加剧与参与度的降低有关。