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Gaussian process regression for three-dimensional soil mapping over multiple spatial supports
Geoderma ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2024.116899
Jie Wang , Patrick Filippi , Sebastian Haan , Liana Pozza , Brett Whelan , Thomas FA Bishop

This study investigates the complexity of spatial soil modelling, particularly focusing on the challenge of variable vertical support in traditional soil data collection. Traditional soil sampling, described in terms of horizons, often fails to accurately pinpoint the specific depths for specific soil properties. This gap is significant, as depth-specific data is crucial for a thorough understanding of soil formation processes and for assessing potential environmental impacts. In digital soil mapping (DSM), the prevalent reliance on standardised depth intervals and mass-preserving spline functions for data resampling results in a modelling approach that tends to disregard depth-related details, thereby introducing potential uncertainties.


