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“Keeping the Queen’s Peace”: A Sociomaterial Study of Police and Guns in a “Mangle of Risk”
Information and Organization ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2024.100513
Amy L. Fraher , Shireen Kanji , Layla J. Branicki

This sociomaterial study analyzes the ways that material agency plays a key role in the organizing dynamics of risky work through a study of the carrying and use of handguns by U.S. and U.K. police officers. Qualitative data (interviews and focus groups) were collected over a three-year period with police ( = 61) in New York, where officers routinely carry guns, and in London, where they typically do not. Police unanimously describe the agentic role non-human artefacts like guns play in: a) framing their cognitive processes, b) influencing their behaviour and decision-making processes, and c) impacting individuals around them. Expanding Pickering's theorization of a we inductively develop a to explain how human and non-human agency become entangled in risky work contexts, where danger is real and time pressure is high. Understanding these dynamics requires analysis of both frontline police narratives and the prescribed organizational policies, procedures, and routines intended to contain risky situations. Findings reveal that the tools provided to police to do their job both frame and constrain operational capabilities, potentially escalating danger for police, suspects, and the community in a .



这项社会材料研究通过对美国和英国警察携带和使用手枪的研究,分析了物质机构在危险工作的组织动态中发挥关键作用的方式。定性数据(访谈和焦点小组)是在纽约和伦敦警察局 (= 61) 三年内收集的,纽约警察经常携带枪支,而伦敦警察通常不携带枪支。警方一致描述了枪支等非人类物品在以下方面发挥的代理作用:a)构建他们的认知过程,b)影响他们的行为和决策过程,以及c)影响他们周围的个人。扩展皮克林的理论,我们归纳地发展了一个来解释人类和非人类机构如何陷入危险的工作环境中,其中危险是真实的,时间压力很大。了解这些动态需要分析前线警察的叙述以及旨在遏制危险情况的规定组织政策、程序和例行公事。调查结果显示,为警察提供的工作工具既限制又限制了他们的行动能力,可能会加剧警察、嫌疑人和社区的危险。