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The bird tear-drinking moths of the genus Hemiceratoides (Lepidoptera: Erebidae)
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2024-05-14 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae047
Alberto Zilli 1 , Jérôme Barbut 2 , Leejiah J Dorward 3 , David C Lees 1

New footage confirms Hemiceratoides moths to be bird tear-drinking. Bionomics of Hemiceratoides is updated, and its taxonomy revised, with descriptions of Hemiceratoides ornithopotis sp. nov. and H. avimolestum sp. nov., while Cynisca thysbe, type species of Siccyna (= Cynisca), is recombined as H. thysbe comb. nov. (thus Hemiceratoides = Siccyna synon. nov.), whereas another Siccyna, originally Cynisca reichi, is found to be conspecific with Devena atomifera (synon. nov.). We highlight the striking proboscis modifications in Hemiceratoides compared to non-calpine erebids that may perhaps be incidental eye frequenters. Hemiceratoides sittaca has remarkable, sexually dimorphic labial palps, which are fang-like in males, probably assisting in tear feeding. Hemiceratoides also features unusual valval processes, an asymmetric whip- or stick-like juxta, and sclerotizations surrounding the ostium bursae. A phylogenetic tree reconstructed with eight nuclear genes as well as COI for the subfamilies Hypocalinae + Calpinae confirms the prior finding that Hemiceratoides belongs to tribe Ophiderini, not to Calpini, and supports previously held relationships between calpine genera, except that (Miniodes + Phyllodes) do not form a sister group relationship with (Hemiceratoides + Eudocima). We thus discuss the controversy over the evolution of the unusual feeding habits in Hemiceratoides. Finally, Calyptra canadensis comb. rev. is updated due to a newly established synonymy Calyptra = Percalpe synon. nov.



新的镜头证实半角蛾蛾是鸟类吸泪者。更新了 Hemiceratoides 的生物学特性,并修订了其分类学,并添加了 Hemiceratoides ornithopotis sp 的描述。十一月和 H. avimolestum sp。 11 月,而 Cynisca thysbe,Siccyna (= Cynisca) 的模式种,被重组为 H. thysbe 梳。十一月(因此 Hemiceratoides = Siccyna synon. nov.),而另一种 Siccyna,最初是 Cynisca reichi,被发现与 Devenaatomifera(synon.nov.)同种。我们强调了半角角蜥与非高山拟蜥蜴相比的显着的长鼻改变,这可能是偶然的眼睛常客。 Hemiceratoides sattaca 具有显着的两性异形的唇须,雄性的唇须呈尖牙状,可能有助于泪液分泌。半角角藻还具有不寻常的瓣膜突起、不对称的鞭状或棒状并列以及滑囊口周围的硬化。用 8 个核基因以及 COI 重建的 Hypocalinae + Calpinae 亚科的系统发育树证实了之前的发现,即 Hemiceratoides 属于 Ophiderini 族,而不是 Calpini,并且支持了先前持有的 calpine 属之间的关系,除了 (Miniodes + Phyllodes) 确实不与(Hemiceratoides + Eudocima)形成姐妹群关系。因此,我们讨论了有关半角犀不寻常摄食习性进化的争议。最后是Calyptra canadensis梳子。修订版由于新建立的同义词 Calyptra = Percalpe 同义词而更新。十一月