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Trends and geographic variation in adverse impacts of nitrogen use in Europe on human health, climate, and ecosystems: A review
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-04-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2024.104789
Wim de Vries , Maximillian Posch , Dave Simpson , Frank A.A.M. de Leeuw , Hans J.M. van Grinsven , Lena F. Schulte-Uebbing , Mark A. Sutton , Gerard H. Ros

This paper presents a review of the trends and geographic variation of impacts of reactive nitrogen (N) inputs on in Europe through impacts on air, soil and water quality. It illustrates those impacts, by assessing temporal and spatial variation in air, soil and water quality indicators and their exceedances of critical thresholds in view of impacts on human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, during 1990-2019. Trends are derived from regular inventory and monitoring data and from simulated trends in air quality using the EMEP model.



本文综述了活性氮 (N) 输入对空气、土壤和水质的影响的趋势和地理变化。它通过评估 1990 年至 2019 年期间空气、土壤和水质指标的时空变化及其对人类健康、陆地和水生生态系统的影响来说明这些影响。趋势源自定期库存和监测数据以及使用 EMEP 模型模拟的空气质量趋势。